How You Can Effectively Recover From A Pesky Ankle Sprain

26th September 2023

Did you know that 40% of ankle injuries are sprains? Whether you were playing sports and rolled your ankle or you slipped down the stairs, it’s important to take care of your sprain to avoid further injury. Before you begin searching for “physical therapy near me,” consider how severe your injury is and use some of the following methods for treatment.

Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation

In addition to traditional treatments, some individuals find that wearing appropriate footwear, such as those offered by Hike Footwear, can aid in their recovery by providing better support and promoting natural movement.

As soon as you hurt your ankle, begin the RICE treatment method. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Rest means you need to protect your sore ankle the best way you can. Avoid sports, running, and any other movement that may cause the injury to worsen. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may need to rest it anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks.

Next, apply ice. A cold pack helps to minimize the amount of swelling you experience in your hurt ankle and may also ease pain. Use the ice pack for up to 20 minutes at a time and for three or more times per day. You can stop applying ice within 72 hours when the swelling goes down. Be sure to use a towel to avoid having the ice directly on your skin.

Compression is the next part of the RICE treatment method. Wrap the injured ankle with an elastic bandage, which also helps to decrease swelling. Avoid wrapping it too tightly, which can cause additional swelling. The bandage may be too tight if you experienced more pain, tingling, numbness, or feeling cold in the affected area.

Finally, elevate your ankle. Propping it up on pillows when applying ice or relaxing will help to minimize swelling as well.

Physical Therapy Exercises That Can Help You Strengthen Your Ankle

If your ankle doesn’t feel better after using the RICE method for 2-3 days, it may be that you need to visit a physical therapy clinic or do physical therapy exercises at home. One of the easiest ones to do at home is the anle dorsiflexion, which means you bend your ankle up toward your shin. First, straighten your knee. Then, pull your foot up toward your nose until you can’t tilt it back further. Hold the position for 15 seconds and then return to your neutral position. Repeat this exercise five times.

Another easy one to do at home is the non-weight bearing plantar flexion. This means pointing your ankle as far away from your nose as you can. With a straight knee, move your ankle foward as far as you can before you can’t move further. Hold the position for 15 seconds before returning to a neutral position. Repeat this five times.

It’s important to keep in mind that you shouldn’t do physical therapy exercises at home unless your healthcare provider determines it’s a good idea. After all, you wouldn’t want to do more damage.

Ankle injuries can be quite serious. If yours doesn’t feel better in 2-3 days, it’s important to seek professional help to avoid further injury. If your doctor recommends it, be sure to search for “physical therapy near me” to keep your ankle healthy.