How to Manage Your Money During the Pandemic?

19th June 2021

Before the pandemic began, people all over the globe took for granted their jobs and what they were spending their money on. Although we are taught from a very young age to keep an emergency savings account, very few of us did. This isn’t entirely our fault, as many people, especially those who are in debt, find it very difficult to put some money aside. While there are others who always look forward to finding a Money Lender in times of financial crisis.

The crisis has been a major wake-up call for a lot of us, and managing our money during these unprecedented times has not been easy. With the world’s economy in a terrible state, it’s not surprising that many people have struggled to manage their cash. It is vital that you are able to get hold of your financial situation and to help you manage your finances during the crisis, we have combined these few tips. 

Spend less Cash

Although it’s easier said than done, it’s important not to spend money on things that you don’t need during the pandemic. Even if you feel comfortable and safe in your current job, it’s hard to predict how many businesses will survive during the crisis. By avoiding spending money on unnecessary items, you’ll have a much better chance of putting some money away for a rainy day. The more you save during the pandemic, the closer you will be to financial freedom. 

During and after the pandemic, creating a weekly and monthly budget can help. Write down everything you spend money on, and ask yourself whether or not some of your purchases are worth it? However, there is no point in creating a budget if you can’t stick to it. Many people have to completely change their mindset and the way they do things. For instance, if you are going grocery shopping, write down a list of items you need and only purchase those products. Many of us fall into the trap while shopping, and end up purchasing lots of items that we don’t need. 

Make sure your Clients Pay You 

If you are self-employed, the pandemic might have proved disastrous for you. There have been many industries that have been hit hard during the crisis, and having a long list of clients that are yet to pay you for outstanding bills can cause a lot of problems. A lot of people who own their own businesses hire professionals to sort out their financial issues, but this can prove expensive. There are software packages like Payt readily available so that businesses can look after their own finances. Programs like this make it easier to follow up on clients who are yet to pay for outstanding invoices. There is lots of software for cash collection, which will help make your life a lot easier. Debtor management is vital during a crisis, and it often takes a long time to sort out. Not getting paid on time can affect the business’s cash flow, which can lead to bankruptcy. If your client is still reluctant to pay the outstanding bills that they owe, you might have to seek legal advice.

Pay Bills Immediately

Unfortunately, it’s very easy to build up debt. Prioritizing your bills, and making sure you never miss paying one will make your life a lot easier. Leaving bills for another day can cause a lot of headaches, and before you know it you are swimming in debt. By paying your credit card bills and other loans as soon as possible your financial situation will be in a much better state. Having bills hanging over you can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Plus, paying on time will help you avoid paying more interest down the line. Every month, paying outstanding bills should be your main goal, along with clothes, food, and rent. So, before you go out and purchase that jewelry you have been looking at, pay the bills you owe first.

Speak to your Landlord about a Reduction in Rent

There are lots of people who have been able to negotiate with their landlords about lowering the price of their rent during the pandemic. Although landlords don’t have to reduce the price of your rent, they might be forced to freeze the price. This means that they can’t increase it during the pandemic. There are lots of landlords that have reduced the price that their tenants are paying them due to the ongoing pandemic, so there is no harm in asking. Many tenants manage to get a discount until their current financial situation improves. Most landlords that have had tenants living in their property for a long time have given reduced rates to help them. Even if it’s a small amount, every penny counts during these strange times. 

Depending on where you live, unemployed people have been getting financial help from their government. Some governments provide funds for people to help them pay their bills and rent. If you owe money, there are plenty of options available that might allow you to defer the payments. Some banks and financial companies have been negotiating payment terms with their customers. 

Although a lot of people are out of work nowadays, other people have found themselves working harder during the pandemic. If this is the case, don’t hesitate to speak with your employer about a raise, especially if you are a frontline worker. If you are putting yourself at risk in the workplace, you probably deserve some extra cash, so don’t be afraid to ask. 

Save for a Rainy Day

Experts advise us to save enough money so that we can live without an income for at least 3 months. As we all know by now it is impossible to predict the future, and the pandemic was a big wake-up call for many of us. People who were in comfortable jobs for decades have found themselves unemployed during the crisis. If you are still earning money, consider saving a percentage of your finances into an emergency savings account. 

If you have been saving money into an emergency fund, make sure that you can gain access to the funds whenever you need it. Because we cannot predict what the future has in store for us, especially these days, having access to these funds can be life-changing. 


If you have found yourself in financial difficulty during the crisis, you’re not alone! If you can’t figure out how you are going to change things, consider speaking to a financial expert on how you can turn things around. They will help you understand how you can give your finances a new start. Although borrowing cash these days should be your last resort, you might have no other choice. Don’t forget to ask lenders if you qualify for a low APR. If you have a good credit history you might be able to take advantage. Before borrowing money, use online resources to find out more about internist rates and private financing. 

A lot of us had financial difficulty during the global recession in 2008, and we have found ourselves in the same situation in 2021. Once the pandemic is behind us, we should be able to reflect on how it affected our finances so we don’t make the same mistakes down the line.