How to Get Views on Your TikTok and Boost Engagement

14th June 2024

TikTok is just like any other social media account – except instead of posting statuses and photos, you’re focusing on high quality content creation through video presentation. All in all, the general process of creating a Tiktok profile is relatively simple, classified as a successful route to reach your target audience. If you use a well thought out marketing strategy, you’ll easily build your TikTok followers growth and get more views. Pumped up engagement = successful social media presence.

By now, we’ve likely captured your attention. But before we get started, we’d like to bring one more point to center stage.

The initial struggle to expand your profile is real. You will hit some bumps in the road; you’ll also celebrate some pretty big wins while you’re trotting along. Just remember, there’s more than one answer to the question “How to get more than 200 views on TikTok?” Thankfully, services like Influensly are ready to provide you with some solid tactics. Play the trial and error game, see what works best for your TikTok marketing, and go from there. Without further ado…

Let’s Start With Defining A “View”

Generally, the audience partaking in this blog know what a “view” is. But just in case, we’d like to briefly summarize.

TikTok views are counted every time a user watches a video play. That means the very second the recording pops up on a screen, one view is logged.

What’s more is that if the video autoplays or loops, multiple views are counted. And, if a user wants to watch the TikTok content several times, those several times are counted, too.

Why Do TikTok Views Matter?

The answer to that question depends on your motive.

You could A) Want to increase attention on all the videos you have posted for popularity or B) Want to start earning TikTok pay. Most content creators prefer the latter, and the former is just an added perk.

But if you’re mostly concerned with pays per view, there’s a couple of additional questions you should have answered, listed below.

How much does the app pay for each view?

To be honest, there’s no set rate. Top creators will typically receive about two to four cents per view from the TikTok Creator Fund. We’re just not sure how the fund determines 2¢, 3¢, or 4¢.

Should you buy views to increase popularity?

It’s not worth it. Buying likes, views, and followers actually screws up the social media metrics. The numbers may look nice in the beginning, but they’re falsely inflated and won’t lead you to long-term success. Actually, the reverse could happen – a decline in TikTok presence and negativity associated with your business.

Why Are You Not Getting Views?

There’s a list of potential reasons as to why your page isn’t expanding its growth. Some of the following may be true:

  • You have a new account → A new TikTok account will not get immediate views. You’ll have to work and create content using popular trends, targeting up-to-date topics, and posting at adequate times.
  • You’ve been posting sensitive content → Anything that may be considered “sensitive” to your target audience probably won’t get a plethora of views. This can include but is not limited to fake blood, sex-related content, and anything that may violate TikTok’s terms of service.
  • You’re experiencing low engagement rates → If you don’t have a ton of TikTok users liking or sharing your stuff, you’ll experience what’s called a low engagement rate. Unfortunately, the consequence is that the app will show your creations much less on the For You Page, because it’ll be seen as “unpopular.”
  • You’re posting at the wrong times → Not lining up with the TikTok algorithm schedule is a big no-no. You see, if you post at the wrong time, it could be damaging to your presence, seeing as the digital media won’t reach your followers.

Will Your TikTok Account Fail Without Adequate Views?

A lack of views will not make your TikTok videos flake; you simply have to make the right changes to maximize your reach and get your superior content out there. Part of the solution will go back to the TikTok algorithm and learning how to strategically work its processes in your favor to get on the For You Page. The other part will revolve around your trial and error skills, and figuring out what paths you need to take to boost rankings kere and on other social media platforms.

Luckily, this area of the blog will prioritize your high quality videos and how to get them more views. Starting jotting down notes on these essential strategies.

1.   Add hashtags to your TikTok video captions.

The hashtag may have been created on Twitter, but presently, it’s used across every social media platform. Why? Because it’s a strategic marketing move that categorizes information and makes it easy to search topics! Mega bonus – it’s 100% free.

Here’s another pleasant surprise: Relevant hashtags can boost your TikTok analytics. So start using words associated with trends and challenges to boost your profile to the For You Page.

2.   Include radio-trending, popular music.

Inserting popular music and sound clips into your own video creations can boost your profile, especially if followers resonate with the songs you select.

Here’s a little note you might want to keep handy: If users particularly like music attached to certain TikTok videos, they can click the spinning album in the bottom right hand corner of the screen to access more recordings with the same sound. An easy way to become discoverable if you’re choosing top 40 radio hits.

3.   Be aware of and adopt viral TikTok trends.

We’re talking dances, memes, reaction videos, and everything in between. Hopping on the bandwagon of viral trends is just about the easiest way to secure TikTok views.

But, knowing what’s trendy and what’s so last week takes some effort. Meaning, you have to spend time on the app itself and breeze through a few hundred posts to see what’s still relevant. Check out competitors, look into brands, and keep on scrolling. Because something that could’ve been BIG last time you were active on TikTok’s FYP, could totally be stale by now.

4.   Create content geared towards your following audience.

Who are the people you’re trying to impress? What niche of users do you want to follow you?

If you haven’t deciphered who you’re creating content for yet, you should probably sit down and think long and hard. Because if we know one thing for certain, it’s that you shouldn’t be going into a social media app like TikTok blind, fabricating randomized TikTok videos in hopes people will jump onboard your train. 

We’ll give you an example. If you’re a personal trainer and you’re establishing a brand and trying to get vocal about moving your body, you’d most likely gear your recordings toward the following:

  • Gym workouts
  • At-home workouts
  • Posture techniques
  • Cardio regimens
  • Weekly routines

You may even want to dabble in videos briefly discussing workout attire, proper diet and nutrition, caloric intake, hydration benefits, and sleep patterns.

5.   Experiment with on-screen text.

If you have a lot of text in the content video itself, or typed out in the caption, you’re more likely to hold viewers’ attention. Why? Because fascinatingly enough, people are naturally curious. They want to read it. Indulging in the info makes them feel included, in the loop, no FOMO.

Basically, the more text you have, the better. It’ll increase the overall watch time and intrigue followers to check out other recently recorded blurbs on your profile.

One major tip you’ll want to adopt: Just make sure the words have a point. Text can be funny, dramatic, or informative, as long as it carries a clear takeaway.

6.   Cross-promote on IG, FB, Twitter.

Sharing your TikTok videos elsewhere is a PRIME move, and it’s technically considered free advertising. If it’s free, it’s for us!

No, but seriously. Spreading the word on your other accounts can easily repurpose your content. Transition it over to an Instagram Reel or a YouTube Short and expand your reach. When viewers on those apps see what you’re all about, they can then head over to TT and give you a follow.

7.   Review comments and make videos to respond.

Instead of commenting back on something a user writes, use the opportunity to answer with a video. Doing so may seem complex, but followers will show appreciation to your dedicated time and efforts.

The best part about boosting engagement this way is… A link is automatically created from the new video to the old. If a follower is intrigued to see the comment section, they’ll not only see if questions were asked/statements were made, but they’ll also be redirected towards additional related content. Definitely an easy way to get people interested enough to stick around.

8.   Bring in some duets/stitches.

A very popular way to make content go viral is to add duets/stitches every few weeks. Or, if that happens to be the basis of your TT profile, so be it. They’re successful for a reason.

What is a duet/stitch, you might be wondering? If you’re new to the content creation game, you might not know the full definition. So here goes. A stitch plays part of an existing video before you chime in with your own recorded video. It’s basically like a piggyback technique to add your personal opinion or additional relevant information to an already existing recording. Sidenote: You’ll 100% increase views here, especially if you choose a current trending FYP video.

9.   Post more than once a day.

Predicting what will take off and what will fail miserably is possible. You just have to post, go with the flow, and see the reactions in live time. It’s kind of the best and worst part about TikTok.

That’s why we recommend posting multiple times a day. That way you can narrow in on what’s beneficial for your time zone.

Ideally, you’ll want to start with a goal of 1-4 times every single day. Once you get the hang of it, you won’t have to keep up that heavy of a schedule.

10.  Team up with influencers.

Take a look at your followers and look into what other accounts they like to pay attention to. If you can, link up with similar influencers on your wavelength. This will not only boost engagement, but it’ll also widen your audience on TikTok. A great marketing strategy that’s also free, just like cross-promoting on IG and FB!

The best way to get maximum results here is to suggest teaming up. You record a video together and post it on both of your profiles. Comment and share accordingly and watch those views increase rapidly.


Now that you’ve read all about views and how to boost engagement, how are you feeling?

Our goal was to get you confident and ready to take on the world of TikTok without any hesitation.

Just remember, if you’re not getting adequate views, it’s probably because you: 1) Have a new account, 2) Are posting sensitive content, 3) Are experiencing low engagement rates, or 4) Are posting at the wrong times. All it takes is a little bit of reworking to get everything back on track. It’s a good thing trying things like adding hashtags, adopting viral trends, creating audience-geared content, cross-promoting, and participating in duets can help.

Mix and match, pro and con, and work out the kinks. After a few tries, you’ll know what works magic for you and your account. Just have a little faith and make sure you check in with analytics. Good luck TikTokers!