How to Download Insta Pro Latest For Android

30th September 2023

InstaPro APK is a modern application that is a replica of Instagram by meta. It consists of many robust features that allow users to perform extraordinary tasks. I.e. Hide view stories, View profile pictures, save reels in one tap, copy the Bio text of any profile, etc. InstaPro is more of an unrestrictive version of Instagram where you can do pretty much anything you want without any limitations.


Also, lately, there has been a surge in ads displayed on Instagram that are quite annoying. Well, that can easily be controlled by using Instagram Pro or InstaPro v10.30. Under the app, there is a feature that blocks ads everywhere so that users can have an ad-free experience. Well, there are many more fascinating features to explore that we will explain later in this article. First, let us provide you with the Insta Pro latest APK download link.


What is Instagram Pro?

Instagram Pro is an Android app that is filled with robust features that can be used alongside Instagram for the purpose of running multiple Instagram accounts. We all know that it is a tiresome process to run two accounts on a single app and switching between accounts on a single app sometimes becomes confusing.

That is where the InstaPro comes in. It not only can be run alongside official Instagram but can provide the ability to run multiple accounts without any hassle. On top of that, it comes with super features that even the official app has failed to provide till now. You can use features like sharing images in full resolution, Directly saving IGTV videos, Downloading stories and media, Built-in app lock, ads-free, etc. : 

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Besides these major robust features, it also offers some short or mini but really useful features like copying the text of any bio, enabling/disabling the double tap to like, downloading your own story with music without making it public, copying comments, and more. All in all, it is like the ultimate version of Instagram that has all the features one can dream of.

How to Download Insta Pro Latest For Android

We have made downloading InstaPro APK v10.30 quite easy for anybody by providing a direct download link. For any reason, if that doesn’t work, there is an alternative link as well. Also, it is highly recommended to temporarily disable the Play Protect app scanning feature when downloading a third-party app like Insta Pro.

How to Install InstaPro APK on Android

Instagram Pro is not available on the Google Play Store which means you need to install it manually on Android. But the good thing is you don’t need to remove the stock Instagram from your phone since it can be used alongside. However, both share a different package name. Here’s how you can install InstaPro on Android:

You can now start using the Insta Pro app on your Android phone. If you are first time switching from stock Instagram to Instagram Pro, you might need a get-started guide. Let us help you with that as well.

How to Get Started with Insta Pro For the First Time

Unlike the case with WhatsApp and GBWhatsApp, all your Instagram chats go with you when you switch from Instagram to Insta Pro. There is no need to back up chats and restore. Also, you can use your Prime account because the app has advanced ban protection. So, all you need to do is,

Insta Pro Developer Options

What we have so far discussed about the features, this developer options is the most fascinating part. Insta Pro has this placed in a secret place and there is only one way to open it, by long-pressing on the Home icon. Once the developer option is uncovered, you will see a huge list of unheard features that you can use with just a click.

Under that, you can use options to enable round-edge iOS-like stories, modify text-shadow for stories, improve the texture quality of the stories, make tweaks in the UI, access the Media Injection Tool to further enable new unheard options for Reels, etc.


We are living in the modern era where features are most prominent in apps because that’s what makes the difference in user’s day-to-day life. Instagram is one of the popular social media apps and it still only offers mediocre features that almost any other social app offers nowadays.

InstaPro on the other hand is full of additional robust features that also have all the Instagram features in it. Using InstaPro is such an experience that it will become impossible for a normal user to ever think about going back to the stock Instagram. It provides privacy control with its incredible features, eliminates restrictions, and improves the user experience by disabling sponsored ads. Furthermore, the developer options can help clutter the unnecessary elements from the UI.