How to Choose and Use Powerlifting Belts Correctly

30th August 2024

Powerlifting belts are a staple accessory for many lifters, offering support and stability during heavy lifts. These belts help to increase intra-abdominal pressure, providing a protective brace for the lower back and core. However, choosing and using a powerlifting belt correctly is essential to maximize its benefits and prevent injuries.

 In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of powerlifting belts, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to properly wear and use a belt. Whether you’re a seasoned powerlifter or just starting out, understanding how to choose and use a powerlifting belt effectively is crucial for achieving your fitness goals. 

How to Choose the Best Powerlifting Belts to Use Correctly?

1. Understanding the Purpose of a Powerlifting Belt

Before delving into the specifics of choosing powerlifting belts online, it is crucial to understand its purpose. These belts are designed to provide core stability and support by increasing intra-abdominal pressure during heavy lifts. By doing so, they reduce stress on the lower back and prevent injury.

2. Selecting the Right Size and Width

When choosing a powerlifting belt, size and width are vital factors to consider. The belt should fit snugly around your waist without being overly tight or uncomfortable. To determine the proper size, measure your waist at the navel level and refer to sizing charts provided by manufacturers.

The width of the belt is also essential as it impacts the level of support you receive. Typically, powerlifting belts range from 10mm to 13mm in thickness. Thicker belts usually offer more support but can restrict mobility during specific exercises.

3. Materials and Construction

Powerlifting belts are commonly made from leather or synthetic materials like nylon or neoprene. While both have their advantages, many lifters prefer leather for its durability and stiffness. Synthetic options may offer more flexibility but tend to wear out faster.

It’s also essential to check for sturdy construction features such as solid stitching and quality buckle attachments. A well-made powerlifting belt will better withstand heavy loads over time.

4. Understanding Your Level of Experience

A key factor when choosing a powerlifting belt is your experience level in weightlifting. Trainees who are new to lifting might benefit from thinner belts that provide adequate support without limiting their range of motion. On the other hand, seasoned lifters may find thicker belts more suitable for handling heavy loads.

5. Proper Use and Technique

Owning a powerlifting belt is only part of the equation – it is equally crucial to use it correctly. Here are some essential tips for using your powerlifting belt effectively:

a) Positioning: Place the belt directly above your hips, ensuring it sits over your abdominal muscles. This will facilitate intra-abdominal pressure and core stability during lifts.

b) Tightness: It’s tempting to wear your powerlifting belt as tight as possible for maximum support. However, an excessively tight belt can hinder proper breathing and limit mobility. Find a balance that allows you to generate ample intra-abdominal pressure without compromising comfort and movement.

c) Breathing Technique: To fully benefit from wearing a powerlifting belt, focus on using the Valsalva maneuver during heavy lifts. Please take a deep breath before starting the lift, hold your breath while exerting force, and release it at the top of the movement.

d) Use Sparingly: While powerlifting belts provide valuable support, relying on them all the time may weaken your core muscles in the long run. It’s advisable to reserve their use for heavier lifts when maximal core stability is necessary.

6. Knowing When to Upgrade

Lastly, but importantly, you should evaluate whether you have outgrown your current powerlifting belt. Regular progression in strength training means that what worked initially may no longer provide sufficient support as weights increase. As you hit new personal records in lifting, consider upgrading to a thicker or more supportive belt that matches your newfound strength levels.


Choosing and using a powerlifting belt correctly is essential for any serious lifter looking to stay safe and maximize performance in the gym or on competition day.

Consider factors such as size, width, materials, and construction quality, and be aware of your experience level. Endeavor to use your powerlifting belt sparingly, according to the proven techniques outlined above. Taking these steps will ensure you benefit fully from this valuable piece of equipment while avoiding any potential pitfalls.

Harness the benefits of a powerlifting belt and conquer new weightlifting goals while prioritizing safety and technique!