How to Be Less Forgetful

14th March 2023

Here are a few tips for developing into a more mindful person and for being less forgetful; yes, you read right, you can learn to be less forgetful.

We all forget, and the art of remembering

There are some people that look to forget certain things, and this can be a difficult process. At the same time, there are those that don’t want to forget and do.

There is a myriad of aspects of life that we can’t expect to remember all the time, and as we age, there is an increase in memory clutter. The most forgotten aspects of modern life are discussed below.


There are just so many of these, and all those that we meet and friends and family will have a date that many of us just expect to remember. We won’t. It is the most common aspect that is forgotten around the world.

How to remember: You need to write them down, put them on a calendar, even better if it’s electronic and will be able to remind you, both before the date and on the date itself.

Common items that are lost in plain sight

There are so many items of modern life and home that are often simply lost in plain sight. Things like car keys, house keys, and mobile phones are all lost on a daily basis, even if not quite at the extreme of locking them in the car and then having to locate a 24/7/365 well-recommended auto locksmith for help.

How to remember: have a set place where you will place your keys and use it every time you enter the house. A set of key hooks at the front door is a great way to keep the keys in one place all the time. Again, if you have a home notice board or grocery list, simply write down where you’ve left the car keys or house keys, wallet, phone, etc.

Digital passwords

We all have to log in and sign up to the various digital platforms and apps that we use, and to do this, we set up and are expected to save and keep the numerous passwords that we use. You can either use a password safe online and place all your passwords here and keep it protected with biometric security. Alternatively, you can do away with all the passwords that you use and have a random password generator that is used to send you a different password each time.

Modern life is incredibly complicated and can be quite stressful in the sense that there is always something to remember. It is only normal that we will forget some things, and as such, having a few tricks and strategies to keep remembering is a great idea. Institute these ideas for a more conscious and mindful life, and you will be amazed at how much time will be saved looking for the things that you have lost in plain sight or simply forgotten where you placed them.