How Social Listening Should Impact Your Social Media Strategy?

10th May 2023

There are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration when developing a social media strategy. You need to think about your business goals and objectives and then figure out if social media can help you achieve them.

However, social media platforms are complex and in a constant state of evolution. They see huge levels of activity 24 hours a day, and keeping on top of what’s happening can be difficult, if not impossible. Before developing and implementing a social media strategy, you need to know what people are saying about your business online. The best way to find out is through the use of a social listening platform. Let’s find out more.

What is Social Listening?

Today’s social media platforms are busier than ever, they are used by billions of people from across the world every day. This means that there is a near-endless stream of content being posted all the time, with everything from text posts and comments to images and videos.

For a business, keeping track of what’s being said is impossible. With social media listening tools, businesses can use AI-powered tech to sift through and sort social media comments and posts, with content relevant to the business identified and compiled into insightful reports.

Now that we know what social media listening is, let’s discuss how it can impact your social media strategy.

Customer Profiles

When you create a product or launch a new service, you should have a target customer in mind. This could be a broad group such as the elderly, or a more specific subset like single women aged from 18-30.

With social media listening, you can get a clear picture of who exactly is talking about your business and products online. You might find that your target demographic makes up a large portion of comments and content, which would indicate that your targeting strategy has been a success.

On the other hand, if your target demographic is nowhere to be seen, this means something isn’t right. It could be that your targeting strategy has been ineffective, or it could mean that your product appeals to a demographic you didn’t expect. Either way, social media listening is a fantastic way of drawing up and evaluating customer profiles for use in your social media strategy.

Reputation Management

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of brand reputation. How your business is perceived by customers can influence sales and profits and determine the long-term viability of your company.

How can you figure out what customers think about your business? One of the most effective strategies is through social media listening. This can give you a clear idea about what people are saying about your brand and whether it is positive or negative.

With this information, you’ll be able to decide whether you need to take steps to improve your brand’s image as you move forward. These insights are invaluable and could prove key to taking your business to the next level.


Social media listening is an essential tool that can be used to optimize social media strategies and significantly boost results.