How military drones redefined warfare

20th October 2023

From sticks and stones to spears and arrows, then guns and grenades – the art of warfare is an ever-evolving field. While some believe war is a route to peace, others consider it just a menacing tale. Whichever school of thought you belong to, you’ll agree with me that military drones have provided a new phase to warfare. This post throws more light on this.

A step back in time

In the not-so-distant past, and still in practice sometimes. War always involved soldiers on the ground, tanks rolling across the battlefield, and fighter jets screaming. But today, we have something new in the mix – drones. These unassuming flying machines have stealthily revolutionized the way nations wage war.

What exactly is a military drone?

You’re probably thinking about those little buzzing things used to take fantastic aerial shots for our Instagram stories. Well, yes, that is a drone, but a military drone plays a far more significant role. They made it possible to strike targets with pinpoint accuracy. 

Gone are the days of massive collateral damage. Now, we can take out specific threats while minimizing harm to civilians. Military drones are sometimes referred to as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). They are both controversial and fascinating.

Edges of military drones 

Drones are valuable in the military for some of these reasons;

Real-time surveillance – These drones are like eyes in the sky. They can linger over a potential target for hours, days, or even weeks.

Reduced risk to our troops – Machines now replace flesh-and-blood soldiers. 

Stealth – Drones are made in a way to bypass enemy radar systems.

Endurance – Drones do not suffer from fatigue or fear of safety, Hence extended surveillance time.

Cost-efficiency – Drones are often less expensive to operate than manned aircraft and perform similar tasks.

Remote operation – Operators can control drones from a safe distance reducing the risk to personnel.

Versatility – Drones can be adapted for various missions.

Quick deployment – Drones responses are swift. They can be deployed with just a click in response to emerging situations.

Drawbacks of military drones

While military drones offer various advantages, they also have several drawbacks and concerns. Some of them are;

Civilian casualties – Despite precision targeting, there is still a risk of unintended harm to civilians.

Breach of privacy – Drones can infringe on privacy rights by conducting surveillance without consent.

Potential for misuse – Drones may be used for espionage or acts of terrorism if they fall into the wrong hands.

Reliance on tech – can lead to overconfidence and a potential lack of investment in traditional military capabilities.

Limited autonomy – While some drones have autonomous capabilities, human operators still play a crucial role in decision-making.

Lack of sensitivity – Drone operators may become desensitized to the consequences of their actions and just consider it a game.


Military drones have truly redefined warfare, making it more precise, strategic, and, in some ways, more humane. But they also raise important questions about the impact on those who control them and the ethical dimensions of remote warfare.