How Does Matched Betting Work? A Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners

7th June 2022

Matched betting is a way of making money from bookmakers by taking advantage of their free bets and promotions. It’s a technique that can be used by anyone, regardless of whether they have previous experience of betting or not. In fact, matched betting can even be used to make a profit on sports events where you don’t necessarily have any knowledge of the teams or players involved.


So, how does matched betting work? We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to explain everything you need to know.


1) What is matched betting?


Matched betting is a technique that takes advantage of the free bets and incentives offered by bookmakers. It’s a way of making money from the bookies that are completely legal and risk-free.


The key to matched betting is understanding how bookmakers make their money. Bookies don’t just want you to lose your bet, they want you to lose more than you can afford to so that they can keep your stake. This is why they offer free bets and other promotions, to entice you to bet with them.


By using matched betting, you can extract the value from these bookmaker offers and turn them into cash without ever having to risk your own money.


2) How does matched betting work?


Matched betting works by placing two bets; one bet with a bookmaker and one bet with a betting exchange. The bookmaker bet is placed to take advantage of their free bet or promotion, while the exchange bet is placed to offset any potential losses.


By using this technique, you can guarantee yourself a profit from the bookmaker offer, regardless of the outcome of the event you’re betting on.


It’s important to note that matched betting is not the same as gambling. With gambling, you are relying on chance to make a profit. With matched betting, you are using mathematical calculations to ensure a profit. A matched betting calculator can make this process much easier. Plus, there are plenty of helpful matched betting resources and forums online if you need any assistance.


3) Is matched betting safe?


Matched betting is a completely risk-free way of making money. This is because you are always placing two bets; one bet to win and one bet to lose. The only thing you could lose is the small amount of money required to place the bets in the first place.


4) How much money can I make from matched betting?


The amount of money you can make from matched betting will depend on the offers available and how much time you’re willing to spend. A good rule of thumb is to expect to make around £500 per month, although it is possible to make more than this.


If you’re looking to make some serious money from matched betting, then you could consider joining a matched betting service. These services provide access to exclusive offers and can help you to maximize your profits.


5) How do I get started with matched betting?


If you’re ready to start matched betting, then we recommend signing up for a free trial with a matched betting service. This will give you access to exclusive offers and the tools you need to make a profit.


Once you’ve signed up, you can start placing bets and earning money. Remember, matched betting is a legal and risk-free way to make money from bookmakers.


6) Things to keep in mind


There are a few things to keep in mind when matched betting. Firstly, you will need to open up accounts with a number of different bookmakers and betting exchanges. This is because you need to place both types of bets in order to make a profit.


Secondly, you will need to have enough money to cover the cost of placing the bets. The amount you need will depend on the offers available and how much time you’re willing to spend.


Finally, make sure you understand the offers and promotions before you start placing bets. It’s important to know how much you need to bet and what you stand to win or lose.


For example, some bookmaker offers require you to place a bet before you can qualify for the free bet. In this case, you would need to make sure you have enough money to cover the cost of the qualifying bet as well as the free bet.


If you’re unsure about anything, then there are plenty of resources and forums available online where you can get help and advice.


Matched betting is a great way to make money from bookmakers. It’s legal, risk-free, and anyone can do it. If you’re ready to start matched betting, then we recommend signing up for a free trial with a matched betting service. This will give you access to exclusive offers and the tools you need to make a profit.