Members of The Wayfarers Chorus are running a Learn To Sing course which is free to join and will be held on four successive Tuesdays (April 10, 17, 24 and May 1) starting at 7.30pm.
They will be held at their rehearsal location, which is the Birkdale Conservative Club (close to Birkdale railway station).
Further details of the course, together with a registration form, can be obtained on their website at, or by emailing
The aim of the course is to provide people with an introduction to singing techniques and singing with other people.
The people who attend will learn two songs and have the opportunity to sing them with the chorus. At the end of the course, those who wish to join the chorus will have the opportunity to do so.
Ian Homewood from the Wayfarers Chorus said: “Singing is so enjoyable and the chorus members so welcoming that we have no doubt people who attend the course will thoroughly enjoy themselves while learning new skills.”
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