Hiring The Perfect Program Manager For Your Brand

23rd June 2024

An effective program manager can be the difference between success and failure in a company. Those who are perfect for the job will help you bring departments together into one cohesive unit and deliver results on schedule. Those that struggle can see programs collapse like a house of cards. So, what do you need to look for in the perfect program manager? Also, how can you be sure to get them into your company for interviews?

6 Qualities Of The Best Program Managers

1) Someone who can handle diverse teams

It takes a wide range of skilled workers across different departments to keep these programs running and deliver the best results. This means finding a manager who can act as a middle person and offer clear lines of 2-way communication. Everyone needs to know their role and responsibilities while feeling supported at all times.

2) Someone who can handle expectations from higher-ups

There’s always going to be pressure to deliver from those above. Managers will want reports and clear results within set time frames. Stakeholders will want to be sure their investment is in good hands. The best program managers will manage these expectations without under-delivering or putting too much strain on their teams. It is a balancing act they should have perfected in their previous role.

3) Someone who can manage all the tools and resources

It’s impossible to manage those high expectations and get the best from a team without understanding the tools. Program managers need a strong understanding of what they have available to them, how it all works, and which teams are best equipped to handle them. If there is something they haven’t encountered before, they should be willing to learn along with everyone else.

4) Someone who can handle setbacks and challenges

There are going to be plenty of times when situations don’t go to plan. Someone invested in a project may back out, there could be financial problems limiting spending, or there may be a technical error holding up productivity. Whatever the issue, program managers have to be able to take control, find solutions, delegate responsibilities, and get everyone back on track.

5) Someone who can report on the current situation

Obviously, it’s vital that a qualified program manager stays on top of all this and keeps projects running smoothly. However, this only goes so far if they can’t then communicate the current status of that project to higher-ups and stakeholders. Can they present all the relevant information and projections clearly and professionally?

6) Someone willing to learn and grow

Finally, you need someone realistic about the current situation and willing to improve. There is always room to grow and develop in business, and always plenty of lessons to learn. Tools that were ineffective or bad working practices can be scrapped for something better. But that only happens if managers are willing to be accountable.

Finding Someone To Fill This Role

Ultimately, you will want someone on your team who embodies all of these qualities and more. The ones with the most experience and the most success in the face of challenges will help you deliver the best results. That perfect candidate is out there somewhere. You just have to find a way to reel them in and make sure they are a good fit. So, you need to create the best possible job description, get it out for people to see, and then set up an interview.

Writing a job description takes some practice and a skilled writer. It is important to say everything you need to about a position and the company to get candidates interested. You aren’t just telling these program managers about their role and the perks in the package. You also have to sell the company as a great place to work. So, how do you do all this in a way that’s concise and clean without missing anything? The devil is in the details with the language you use and the way you entice people to learn more. You don’t have to write a whole paragraph about company culture, but you can encourage candidates to read about previous team-building events and education programs. It’s easy to link to these on an online vacancy page.

However, it isn’t enough to leave the job description on your website or a job listing website and leave it at that. Skilled program managers who are already in roles with other companies may not be actively searching for a career move. Yet, if you find a way to come to them and advertise yourself as a better choice, they may jump ship. One way to do this is to target individuals directly through headhunters or messages on social media. Tell them you’re impressed with their work, have an exciting new career opportunity for them, and have details to send over if they are interested. This puts the ball in their court.

If you’ve made all the right moves with this headhunting and your persuasive job description for program managers, you may be able to reel someone in. You can then invite them to interviews to learn more about their work and go over more details about the role. This interview is your final shot to impress a candidate and make sure they are the right fit. So, take your time compiling the best interview questions for program directors to learn more about them. Don’t rely on general questions about their qualifications and projects. Dive deeper with behavioral, situational, and hypothetical interview questions.

Sealing The Deal

Hopefully, this final interview will prove that you were right all along. That candidate you scouted and invited is perfect for the role and is interested in signing a contract. All you need now is to go over the final details of the salary negotiations, get them ready to start, and have the team welcome their new manager. Remember, the more effort you put into finding the right candidate, rather than expecting them to apply, the better your chances of finally getting the perfect program manager.