Here’s Why You Should Let Your Dogs Listen To Folk Music

15th December 2022

Thanks to their impressive hearing and senses, dogs are amazing creatures. Almost everything in their immediate environment and perhaps a few yards away can startle them. Not to forget that they are also super playful, so if you own a dog or two, then you’d probably agree this nature of theirs can also present the challenge of getting them to settle down for the night. If this challenge is a regular thing, it’s good news. It’ll interest you to know that music may be the answer to that challenge. Yes, a Betway study study has revealed the impact of different genres of music on dogs’ rest time, sleep quality, and even anxiety levels. By the time you are done reading this article, you’ll see why you should let your dog start listening to folk music. Lol!

Why folk music?

According to the study, listening to folk music before bed might be the answer to your troubles. Dogs that listened to folk music rested the most within the one-hour period the song was played, with a score of 46 mins. The best sleep quality was also noticed here at 88%. Though a slightly higher anxiety level score than Jazz: 90 out of 290, was recorded, you’d still probably agree that folk music is a great music option for your dog’s calmness/resting.


Other Music Genres For Relaxing Dogs

Classical music:While an increased sleep time score and sleep quality of 35 minutes and 87%, respectively, was noticed among dogs after listening to this genre for 1-hour, the classical genre could also raise your dog’s anxiety level as an anxiety score of 141/290 was recorded here, the second highest in the study.

Pop: It gets better with pop, as dogs appear calmer within 1 hour of listening to the genre. With a rest time score of 41 minutes, 86% of quality sleep, and an anxiety level score of 113 out of 290. Pop music is not so bad for your dog; jazz and folk genres might be better options.

Jazz: Even humans find jazz music soothing, so it’s no wonder man’s best friend didn’t feel otherwise. After one hour of jazz music, the anxiety score was 66 out of 290, the lowest in the study. The rest time and sleep quality were also slightly better than pop music, with a score of 42 minutes and 87%, respectively.


Least Relaxing Genres

Heavy metal: The Betway study involved the used dog fitness tracker in measuring the desired reactions to different music genres after an hour, so our first stop is the heavy metal genre. According to the study, high-energy music may not be best for your dog’s rest if you are a heavy metal lover with a pet dog at home. In the study, a dog with a recorded anxiety level of 87 on a normal evening experienced a significant increase to 166 out of 290. As expected, the two other parameters, rest time and sleep quality, were 25 minutes and 76 %, respectively.

Hip-Hop: With hip-hop, sleep quality improved to 84%, with an anxiety score of 115 out of 290 and a rest time of 27 minutes after listening for 60 minutes. With 27 minutes worth of sleep, not the best option if you want your dog to rest more, right?