There is a recruitment being held next Thursday 23rd April from 10am onwards at BACO, 17-21 Railway Road, Ormskirk in the hope that we find a donor match for 7 year old Finn from Crosby.
Finn was recently diagnosed with myeloidysplastic syndrome (bone marrow failure). He has undergone intensive chemotherapy over Easter and now desperately needs to find a match within the next 3-4 weeks. Time is of the essence and we need to highlight his cause in the hope that someone out there is a match and can save his life.
To register as a donor you can come along on the day to our event or apply by going online to the charity:
Register your details and a swab kit will be sent out to you in the post, swab the inside of your cheeks for 60 seconds with a cotton bud and return by post in the prepaid envelope… It’s that simple!
I do not know Finn personally but his auntie is a tenant in one of our properties as a patent myself I am drawn to do my best to help this little boy live the life his parents always dreamed he would ask. I will shout it from the rooftops if need be because this little boy can be saved with everyone’s help.
Finn was recently diagnosed with myeloidysplastic syndrome (bone marrow failure). He has undergone intensive chemotherapy over Easter and now desperately needs to find a match within the next 3-4 weeks. Time is of the essence and we need to highlight his cause in the hope that someone out there is a match and can save his life.
To register as a donor you can come along on the day to our event or apply by going online to the charity:
Register your details and a swab kit will be sent out to you in the post, swab the inside of your cheeks for 60 seconds with a cotton bud and return by post in the prepaid envelope… It’s that simple!
I do not know Finn personally but his auntie is a tenant in one of our properties as a patent myself I am drawn to do my best to help this little boy live the life his parents always dreamed he would ask. I will shout it from the rooftops if need be because this little boy can be saved with everyone’s help.
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