Heatwaves are affecting UK and EU Citizens

7th August 2022

The UK has known its first-ever red warning for extreme heat, a few weeks back. That is how hot it has been, throughout the beginning of Summer 2022. Why are the heatwaves longer and stronger than before and how is it affecting people’s lives? Here is a closer look at a situation that is bound to come again, in the years to come.

Everyone is looking for Some Fresh Air

As heatwaves roll, one after the other, it is changing UK and EU citizens habits. This summer, a larger number of them are looking to find the best camping holidays in Europe, as they look for a place where they can spend their whole day by the pool, and their evening outside, enjoying some fresh air. That is because the intensity of the heat has been unbearable throughout the last few weeks, especially in major cities, where there is simply nowhere to go (outside) for some respite. The only solution that people have, is to lock themselves into shopping centers or catch a movie, in the nearest theatre. Hence, a rapid increment in the sales report of mini split air conditioner has been recorded as those who don’t want to go out to pass their time are installing such ACs in their home.

However, the biggest problem comes at night. Those without air conditioning are suffering, night after night, turning in their beds, as they can’t fall asleep. They become more tense, as they accumulate tiredness, which makes everyone a bit more edgy and short-tempered. It also creates real danger for people with heart problems, young children and elders. The authorities are reminding everyone to drink a lot of water, but the problem is that older people tend to forget that they need to do so.

Why are we going through these Heatwaves?

The explanation is easy: The climate crisis. This has been building up for years and years, now. The weather keeps getting warmer, and this Summer, we can actually feel it, as records of heat are being broken in the UK, France and many other countries around Europe. Heatwaves are bringing other problems along, including a reduction of water, as well as major wild fires, especially in France and Spain. If the UK went through the red warning, it is because the Azores high-pressure system which usually sits off the coast of Spain, has gone farther North. It changed the climate in the UK, but also in France and the Iberian Peninsula.

The hot air that we are receiving comes all the way from North Africa and the Sahara. It is the reason why we are seeing temperatures rise above 100°F in the UK, and even up to 45°C in France, which is probably the country suffering the most from the heat, right now. Even nighttime does not cool down the weather, as some towns in France have remained above 28°C for close to 48 hours.

What should we expect in the Future?

Although we would like to close this article on a positive note, scientists all agree that things are bound to get worse, in the years to come. They say that until we decide to make real efforts to stop global warming, it will keep increasing. An example? London should expect to feel as warm in summer time, as the weather in Barcelona. It could be nice; that is if Londoners had a beach to go to…