Hart Street murder suspect named as Axel Rudakubana

1st August 2024

A Crown Court judge has lifted reporting restrictions on the identity of the suspect facing murder charges, after Monday’s attack on Hart Street.

Axel Rudakubana was today named legally for the first time, at a pair of hearings to determine his pathway through the courts and suitability for bail.

Remaining silent throughout, including when asked to confirm his name, Rudakubana smiled at the beginning of proceedings, but otherwise covered his face with a prison-issue jumper.

Bail was denied, and Rudakubana will plead at a hearing in October.

An application from the Daily Mail to lift media restrictions was accepted by Judge Menary, who said he “is currently 17 but he will be 18 in less than one week’s time. Any restriction would operate for a six-day period only.”

“Whilst I accept it is exceptional given his age, principally because he is 18 in six days’ time I do not make an order under section 45.”

“By continuing to prevent full reporting at this stage has the disadvantage of allowing others who are up to mischief to continue to spread misinformation in a vacuum and runs the risk that when the information becomes publicly available in six days’ time, that will provide an additional excuse for a fresh round of public disorder. ”

During court proceedings, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital released an update on the patients in its care, saying that the five children in its care who suffered during Monday’s attack are now all in a stable condition.

Leanne Lucas and John Hayes remain in hospital.

Southport MP Patrick Hurley said this morning: “The last few days have been extremely difficult for the people of Southport. It’s imperative that we work together to find a way through this for the community.

“Our town is in the national spotlight, but we have shown our strength, rebuilding neighbours’ walls, cleaning streets, and standing shoulder to shoulder with each other.

“Our town came out in their thousands to attend the peaceful vigil on Tuesday and to lay flowers for the three little girls; Bebe, Elsie, and Alice, who lost their lives in the horrific attack on Monday.

“As we come together in this difficult time, we remember those that we have lost, and we will continue to make space for the people in our community to express their feelings and emotions.”