Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust is proud to share overwhelmingly positive “Friends and Family Test (FFT)” feedback from service users, their carers, families and friends.
The results of over 7,100 completed Friends and Family Test (FFT) surveys for the Trust during the period from January to June 2019 showed that 96.3% of people who used a Trust service as a patient, carer or relative would recommend the Trust and the service they received.
The Trust has broken the results down by its operational networks which show that 98.7% of responders would recommend the Community & Wellbeing Network, 91.2% would recommend the Mental Health Network and 94.5% would recommend the Children & Young People Network.
FFT is an important feedback tool that give people who use NHS services the opportunity to provide their feedback on their experiences. The data from patients and staff helps identify what is working well and what can be improved and how.
Julie Seed, Deputy Director of Nursing and Quality at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust,said:
“The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is instrumental in supporting the NHS to understand what is working well, what can be improved and how we can work together to drive service improvement for the people who use our services. It also provides the public with a voice to be able to feedback about their experience of care, be this positive or negative or somewhere in the middle.
“We know that there are so many of our staff out there who are working extremely hard to provide high quality, compassionate care to our service users, however we are immensely proud to have reassurance of this through this year’s FFT feedback. The feedback we have received is nowbeing used to stimulate improvement across Lancashire and parts of South Cumbria and also to celebrate and empower staff to continue the work that makes a real difference to our patients.”
For more information about services provided at Lancashire Care please or for more information about the Friends and Family Test Survey please visit
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