Main Goals of the Campaign – To move Team Elite to a new premises to enable us to put on a Free Class for Children Everyday, Forever
This will enable us to use Martial Arts and Circuit training to:
1. Reduce obesity and inactivity in children.
2. Combat mental health issues in youngsters including depression, low self-esteem, anxiety etc.
3. Create BULLY PROOF children. Giving youngsters the confidence and capabilities to stay safe.
Team Elite gym is a well-established gym in Southport, Merseyside. We have been running for many successful years and have produced many great fighters at the professional level including numerous world champions. Our reputation proceeds us wherever we go in the world, But this is not the focus of this campaign.
The focus here is the children in our local community. At Team Elite, every few months we offer blocks of free classes to the local children over a 6 to 8-week period. We are NOT A CHARITY ORGANISATION and we receive no financial help through grants or funding from local council or government ATALL. We give away free classes to the community to help out as best we can in our own small way.
As you can imagine the demand for these classes from parents is huge, and continuously growing due to the profound effects it does have and can have, on the youngsters that attend.
These positive effects of attending our classes for the individual, as listed in the main goals of the campaign (Above), are obviously of a huge benefit, but also the wider benefits as a whole on the community are also of a huge significance, such as……
· “Reducing violent crime, including knife and gun offences and protecting vulnerable individuals from violence and exploitation.” – GOV.UK
*I’m sure this point will be of particular significance to Southport residents following the recent spree of knife and gun crime In the town centre* –
· Decreasing antisocial behaviour – Also high on the governments list of problems to tackle as yearly statistics continue to soar.
· Giving youngsters a place to meet up, hang out/socialise with like-minded people while improving themselves both physically and mentally.
· Helping children Make new friends and practice social skills ……….in real life, face to face, away from the XBOX or PlayStation.
With these huge beneficial effects as previously mentioned and the tremendous feedback we constantly receive from parents with regards to all of the classes we put on at Team Elite, not just the free ones, it should come as no surprise that this is now the primary focus of mine, to be able to provide a FREE CLASS EVERYDAY FOR ALL THE SCHOOL CHILDREN IN THE AREA, FOREVER!
But as you can see from the opening video we have numerous HUGE problems to say the least, that are hindering us massively from growing our “FREE CLASS” campaign.
This is where we need your help please!
This is young JJ Jones. In the top left he is 12 years old and almost 15 stone.
Top right he is almost 14 yrs. old and down to 11 stone.
Bottom picture is currently at 17 years old and 9.5 stone.
JJ says:
“Coming to team elite has changed my life so much. I used to be huge and now I fight as an amateur mixed martial artist and kickboxer. Andy has changed my life so much with all that he has taught me about martial arts and its way of life and about how to eat right. It’s definitely the main reason I lost so much weight! ”
This is Adam Brown. In the left picture he is 17 years old and almost 23 stone. On the right is currently at 22 years old and 14 stone.
Adam said:
“Everyone always comments on my physical change and I love that, I especially love it when I’ve not seen old school friends for years and they just go crazy they can’t believe how well I’ve done!
But the real change in me has been a mental transformation. I used to be so anxious and worried about my body image but now I’m so much more confident and I don’t stress about it. Coming to Team Elite is literally the best thing I have ever done. EVER! I literally couldn’t recommend it enough, Andy really knows his stuff! ”
“Aidan, my son was struggling with anxiety at aged 14. He had gone from a normal happy young boy to a virtual recluse. He seldom went out, constantly making excuses and when he did he invariably came home early. He struggled to get on buses, go to football(one of his passions). He rarely mixed with his friends but most importantly he was struggling to attend lessons at school. Life was in chaos. On the outside he still tried to smile and pretend that everything was ok but at home he would truly open up about his fears and unhappiness and the all consuming blackness. As a mum it was heart breaking to see, I felt so helpless, I couldn’t make it all go away. He thought it would never get well but one day a chance meeting with Andy changed both of our lives. He persuaded Aidan to come to a one to one session at Elite. Aidan took a lot of persuading but to this day has never looked back. It was difficult at first but Andy was incredibly patient and understanding. He truly encouraged Aidan to face all his fears and now 2 years on Aidan is once again the wonderful confident happy young man he was always meant to be. The training gave him confidence, it gave him a purpose and it gave him self worth. Aidan now does everything in life normal 17 year olds do having driving lessons, going out with friends, going to college and he is training for his first fight, who would ever have thought it could happen? All the guys at Team Elite are now like a family to Aidan. A place where he feels supported and safe. The camaraderie is tremendous. They all look after each other. Andy is a wonderful coach he has taken Aidan from strength to strength. What Andy is wanting to do with these young people is exemplary. If anyone can give young people hope it is Andy Brocklebank. I will be forever grateful to him. He is an amazing guy with an amazing vision and Aidan is testimony to this. I do not know where Aidan would be today without Andy and his team at Elite. Thank you”
Eileen, mother of Aiden, student of Andy
Closing words……..
At the moment we are a hugely successful club trapped in a small, rapidly decaying facility. It is time for us to break free of these shackles and reach our full potential with a more suitably sized and conditioned platform to help children on a larger scale.
Your help in making this dream become a reality is very greatly appreciated and will undoubtedly change all the lives of the children in Southport, for the better………..FOREVER!
Thank you very much
Andy Brocklebank
Who is Andy Brocklebank? –
The Idea: The Background –
The Problems We Face –
How will the money raised be used? –
My Vision –
Testimonials in Full –
OTS News on Social Media