Frack Free Southport’s Golf Not Gas campaign

30th July 2017

Frack Free Southport’s Golf Not Gas campaign

Members of Frack Free Southport (FFS), Halsall Against Fracking, and Green Party members spent 4 afternoons during the Open, both soggy and sunny, gently raising awareness of the threat to England’s Golf Coast from fracking. Thanks to the co-operation of the police and security staff, they handed out leaflets and Breast Cancer UK fact-sheets explaining the concerns around fracking, and peacefully displayed their banner ‘ENGLAND’S GOLF COAST IS NOT FOR SHALE’, as part of their GOLF NOT GAS campaign. Wells around the Southport, Formby and Halsall area would be part of the largest gasfield in W. Europe, according to Francis Egan, CEO of fracking company Cuadrilla.

‘‘We had lots of thumbs-up and waves, and several people who work and live on the Fylde thanked us and voiced their support’’, said an FFS spokesperson. ‘‘Others stopped and chatted, shocked to know the golf course and surrounding area are licensed for fracking. Negative comments from pro-frackers generally consisted of 2 words – cheap gas.’’

Cheap shale gas is a popular misconception. Many authorities on the subject, including economists and industry insiders, estimate that the British shale gas industry would have little effect on gas prices, as the UK is unlikely to produce enough volume, and the depth of our shale gas beds means it costs more to produce.

The Government also cannot ‘reserve gas for the UK’, or control the price, since the UK is part of an integrated European energy market, which means all the gas produced in the UK is traded on the open market and sold to the highest bidder. The UK currently exports nearly 30% of the gas it produces.

Lord Browne, ex-Chairman of fracking company Cuadrilla, said: “We’re part of a well-connected European gas market and unless it is a gigantic amount of gas, it is not going to have material impact on price.”

Professor Jim Watson, Director, UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) said “It is very frustrating to keep hearing that shale gas is going to solve our energy problems – there’s no evidence for that whatsoever… it’s hype. It’s extraordinary that ministers keep making these statements. At the moment there is no evidence on how shale gas will develop in the UK. Shale gas has been completely oversold. Where ministers got this rhetoric from I have absolutely no idea. It’s very misleading for the public.”

Recent research from Sheffield’s Hallam University claims UK golfers spend £4.3bn a year and the golf industry pays £1bn in tax. Sky pays £15m a year to broadcast the Open, which itself can be worth some £140m to the local host economy. Mark Catherall, Sefton Council’s Head of Tourism, estimates that Royal Birkdale Open alone boosts Southport’s economy by £100m. England’s Golf Coast harbours 18 golf clubs, the majority of which are in areas licensed for fracking.

Further information on myths surrounding fracking can be found at Frack Free Southport can be contacted via, Facebook and Twitter. Badges, car and window stickers are available for supporters.