Formby’s Klopp blasts stupid Brexit

10th May 2019
Jugen Klopp
Players needed for Klopp’s favourite junior football team.

Klopp’s Kop Brexit message is “Give us another say!”

Brexit makes no sense and Britain should vote again, says Jürgen

As Britain prepares to go to the polls in the election for Euro MPs, Jurgen Klopp, the ‘Miracle Manager of Liverpool has called for the people of the UK to be given another say. This news comes as polls show that there is a 16 per cent lead among British voters for being given a ‘People’s Vote’ on any proposed EU Exit deal.

The 50-year-old has told ‘the Guardian’ Newspaper that Brexit “makes no sense at all” and that he believes British people should have the chance to vote again on their future either in or outside the European Union.

He said: “When Mr Cameron had the idea of a referendum you thought: ‘This is not something people should decide in a moment.’ We are all influenced by the way only some of the argument is given, and once the decision is taken nobody gives you a real opportunity to change it again. The choice was either you stay in Europe, which is not perfect, or you go out into something nobody has any idea how it will work. “So you give people the chance to make this big decision. And then it’s a 51-49 [51.9%-48.1%] vote and you’re thinking:

Wow, 49% are not happy with the decision that’s going to change the country.’ For the 51%, I’m sure they realised pretty early after the vote: ‘What have we done?’”
“The two leaders of the leave campaign then stepped aside. It was a pure sign they were surprised themselves by the vote. OK, that can happen. But then, come on, let’s sit together again. Let’s think about it again and let’s vote again with the right information – not with the information you’ve got around the Brexit campaign. They were obviously not right, not all of them. It makes no sense at all.”

In his interview, Klopp reveals how he has embraced life in Liverpool. He stresses he is proud that his squad, unlike most Premier League clubs, has a strong core of English players. He stresses that, “the English guys lead the group. Tottenham and us we are pretty much the English national team and I like that.”