Fly-tipping concern as Labour expands three-weekly bin collections
A councillor who is concerned about the state of rubbish dumping in the town centre is also expressing concern that things might get worse.
Local Lib Dem Deputy Leader Tony Dawson is a Councillor representing Southport‘s town centre. He is presently trying to get measures introduced by the council, with the help of local businesses, to improve the state of the street scene in places such as Southport’s Bath Street area with a programme of education and the possible introduction of periodic street skips.
Councillor Dawson is concerned that a fourth North West Labour Council has announced that it is to move its grey waste bin collection from fortnightly to only being collected every three weeks. Oldham Borough Council is following Bury, Rochdale and Salford down this potentially-smelly road.
Reducing the rubbish collection service is still a potentially big cash-cow for hard-pressed local councils. It is not very long since Labour lost several council by-elections in Maghull largely as a result of their proposals to consider charging for the collection of Green Bins – a proposal which appears still to be on the Bootle-run Sefton Council’s ‘back burner’.
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“Labour has always been prepared to run fast an loose with the truth over rubbish collection,” says Councillor Dawson. “Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson, who now wants to take over Southport as well, got elected initially on a firm promise to keep weekly bin collections.”
“This was a promise which he reneged on in a matter of weeks. as soon as he was elected.”
“Any proposal to make major alteration in bin collections requires careful scrutiny. The issue of potential increased fly-tipping must also be taken into account. I am already very concerned at the festering overflowing bins to which some landlords also allow their tenants to add side-waste.”
Labour-run Fife Council is looking at having four-weekly grey waste collection.
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