An important part of living financially free is getting a handle on your finances. To make ends meet, most people focus on cutting back on expenses, but what if I told you there was another way?
Cutting expenses will indeed give you financial freedom, but adding more money to your bottom line will also allow you to maintain your current lifestyle.
Why wouldn’t you want to do something enjoyable and not a 9-5 office job for a bit of extra cash? It is a no-brainer and a win-win situation. There are so many ways to be creative whilst adding to the money pot, and here are some of the best that I have found.
Rent out a room
You could consider renting out a spare room if you have one in your living space and would like to generate some extra income. If you want to rent out a room or an entire home, you can use Airbnb.
Rent out your home while you’re away if you’re going to be travelling a lot this year to help pay for all your adventures. Don’t worry, these options are more terrifying than they appear due to the security measures.
Become a secret shopper
Secret shoppers sign up with companies that provide the service and then visit various stores undercover and report what they see.
If you provide insight, you will be paid, and you will also be able to enjoy free shopping, meals, and travel while you work. In addition to earning money and benefits, you are setting an example for how real clients should be treated.
Get paid to listen
This one is for music lovers. You can earn some extra money by reviewing unsigned artists and bands on Slice the Pie. You will be paid per review based on the quality of your reviews on the site, so building up your reputation will take some time.
Slicethepie states, “But the better the review, the bigger the bonus payment.” The site also offers a referral program, where if any of your friends sign up using your code and write reviews, then you will receive bonus payments.
Give your opinion
If you remember being told by your parents to “mind your own business” as a child, you can now find that this advice can cost you an important relationship. Because you can receive compensation for dealing with other people’s problems.
Participating in focus groups, telephone surveys, online surveys, and even product trials can earn you money. Who would have known that your opinion could add something to the money pot? But I am glad I know now, and won’t be keeping my mouth shut in the future!
Become a field agent
While you might assume I’m referring to the FBI, I’m speaking of the Field Agent application. Using the app, you can do small tasks around town for a variety of clients by signing up for an account.
Depending on your skill set, you may be able to do anything from checking grocery prices to conducting surveys. Depending on the assignment, you will receive a payment, and you decide which one you would like to work on.
There are plenty of creative ways to add to your income! The world of today allows room for a wave of opportunity and we should all clasp it as best as we can. All of the ones mentioned and there’s plenty more, what about becoming a betting guru? You can also learn who to bet on in sporting events on a site such as That would also be a nice little earner in the back pocket!
We all have unique and individual interests that we can now monetise and turn into a reality – why wouldn’t we jump straight in? The society of today has given us all a chance to try without judgement, we can make money and happiness out of absolutely anything. Just have confidence and faith in yourself and you will succeed!
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