Final tribute & vindication of Councillor Patricia Ball “Dukes Woman”

30th January 2018
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Earlier this Evening I provided my final Tribute to one of my former Mentors and first Lady representative for Dukes Ward- Councillor Patricia Ball/ “Dukes Woman” as part of proceedings whereupon myself and elected Representatives were able to speak on this long- standing member of the Local Southport Community one final time.

Having pledged to vindicate this gracious lady, who was unfortunately subjected to foul maltreatment by other now District Councillors during her original Election to Sefton Council back in 2011 which even included her being reported to the Authorities under false pretences, I decided to stand up for Councillor Ball against this previous grave injustice wrought upon herself and her close ones.

Whilst summarising just some of the vast and notable achievements Councillor Ball made whilst serving both as a proud Proprietor of several leading Southport Businesses and during her time in Public Office as Town Centre Official, it therefore seemed only fitting to finally unearth this shocking discovery which actually impacted so greatly upon her that she chose to report back on her own work far too modestly.

Whilst I may appreciate the Opposition may wish to view this as controversial, as someone hailing from the Care Sector, who will always champion the Oppressed and those requiring due support, I cannot and will not simply stand by and allow such evil to go unnoticed and I will defend those in need of my help.

In spite of this I should like to once again thank Dukes Woman for all the welcome positivity and multiple improvements this lady brought to her Constituents within our Local Community and the Sefton Borough, and once again express my sincerest condolences to all her family and close ones during this time.

“Councillor Ball having been elected the first lady Councillor Representative for Dukes Ward here in the District, was one of the first local figures who introduced me to the political sphere and I should like to show her my appreciations for all the kindness and guidance she was able to provide during my time before formally becoming local District Councillor, and during my time originally standing for election in 2014.

For clarity Dukes Woman, being an affectionate term of address derived from her long-standing tenure as Proprietor of the Shelbourne Hotel & Nigel’s Bar on the Duke Street gateway into Lord Street and her being the first elected lady representative for the District of which her family and friends were very proud of her for achieving.

At this time I should also like to extend my own well wishes to this former mentor’s family and close ones and once again thank her for her own contributions towards improving the local Southport Community be this in her capacity with the Southport “Little Theater”, her vast personal relationships with various residents across the Seaside Town or her consistently positive drive which I personally found to be very inspiring.”

As the only present Dukes Ward Cllr not to have brought undue stress unto Dukes Woman, namely waging personal campaigns against this graceful woman or reporting her to the Authorities under false pretences during the time of her original election, I am saddened that Cllr Ball was so intimidated by one such experience that she chose not to showcase more of her hard-earned achievements across Southport from that point on.

In conclusion this lady shall always be fondly remembered for her true steadfast devotion to all those around her and for her own personal contributions to Southport and Sefton’s community- be this as a proud Proprietor and businesswoman supporting swathes of residents throughout our local economy or in her role on the Local Authority.”