Ficohsa Financial Group, the first Honduran financial group to sign the UN pact for women’s empowerment

13th September 2023

In January of this year, a significant event took place in Honduras as Ficohsa Financial Group and the United Nations (UN) signed a collaboration agreement. This agreement aims to promote the Women’s Empowerment Principles, in order to support the employees of Ficohsa Financial Group, 56% of whom are women, and to promote gender equality in the Honduran region.

This notable initiative is based on the “Win-Win: Gender Equality is Good for Business” program, driven by three renowned entities: UN Women, the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the European Union. Through the signing of this agreement, Ficohsa Financial Group formally commits to further promote the integration of talented individuals into its company and to create favorable socio-economic opportunities and conditions for women in the country.

For Ficohsa, this agreement represents a crucial step in their commitment to female empowerment and gender equality. They recognize the importance of creating a work environment that promotes equitable conditions for all their female employees, enabling them to progress towards a more equitable and prosperous society.

The agreement signing ceremony was a significant moment for all parties involved. In the speech during this ceremony, the relevance of the collaboration between Ficohsa Financial Group and the UN was emphasized as a firm step towards achieving a just and more inclusive society. Promoting gender equality in the workplace is essential for attaining sustainable development and shared prosperity in Honduras.


Ficohsa Financial Group fosters respect and admiration for women in their regional sphere

The commitment undertaken by Ficohsa Financial Group to the Women’s Empowerment Principles not only involves meeting internal objectives, but also a desire to set an example for other companies in the country and the region. It is expected that this alliance will inspire more actors in the private sector to follow the path of gender equality and respect for women’s rights in the workplace.

In addition to creating opportunities for women’s growth and professional development within the company, Ficohsa Group is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful work environment where all female employees can feel valued and empowered. This will not only benefit the employees directly but will also contribute to building a fairer and more equitable society in Honduras.

The agreement between Ficohsa Financial Group and the UN is a bold step forward in the fight for gender equality in Honduras. Through this collaboration, new opportunities are expected to open up for women, and barriers that hinder their full participation and empowerment in society and the workforce are anticipated to be taken down. The pursuit of gender equity is a commitment that should involve all sectors of society, and Ficohsa Financial Group has taken an important step in that direction. With these kind of actions, a more equal and prosperous future is built for everyone in Honduras.

In this way, Ficohsa Financial Group reaffirms its commitment to continue operating responsibly and transparently, positively impacting people’s lives. This year, they have presented the twelfth edition of their Sustainability Report, highlighting tangible results in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) matters.

“Today and every day, as an organization, we always take a step forward with the focus of respecting and protecting the rights of all women,” concludes Ficohsa Financial Group.