Exploring the Benefits of Vaping over Smoking

12th June 2024

A fact that is widely known is that smoking is detrimental and one of the leading causes of various health problems. It destroys the airways of the lungs, irritating them entirely which leads to a variety of diseases.

A few years ago, cigarettes gained an “opponent” that comes in the form of vaping, which is perceived as a healthier and safer version of smoking, due to the fact that it doesn’t contain tobacco combustion.

That’s one of the main reasons why so many people replaced cigarettes with vaping. If you are still a massive fan of tobacco, yet you would like to make some positive changes as far as this is concerned, then maybe these facts below will open your eyes, and show you why vaping is a much better choice.


You Will Instantly Become Healthier

People who aren’t too familiar with vaping think that it is as dangerous as smoking, if not even more detrimental, which is far from the truth. Vaping connoisseurs at Bedford’s trusted vape store would like to remind you that vaping, is, in fact, over ninety percent healthier than smoking. Aside from that, those who’ve been vaping for a while, have managed to give up on cigarettes much faster, which is for sure a huge benefit.

What you need to know is that e-liquids do not contain as many chemicals as tobacco, and, at the same time, do not inhabit your body like the tar does when you smoke. Therefore, those who replace cigarettes with vaping will almost instantly feel much better and will be able to experience a variety of different health benefits. 

First and foremost, they’ll breathe much better, will drastically reduce blood pressure, enhance their sense of taste and smell, positively impact their lungs, and strengthen their immune system. All of these alterations will happen within one month or so.


It Doesn’t Cause You To Have A Bad Breath Or Ruin Your Teeth

There are numerous parts of your body that are affected by smoking, and one of them is your teeth. Seasoned smokers (particularly the ones who smoke a lot) usually have very stained and yellow or gray teeth.

However, if you start vaping, you will soon notice a huge improvement in your teeth. How come? Well, that’s because vapor doesn’t contain smoke, unlike tobacco. Another positive thing that you’ll notice is the fact that your breath is no longer as unpleasant. 

When you smoke, you deal with bad breath, and that’s all due to detrimental chemicals such as carbon monoxide and tar, which also impact your teeth. Besides all these advantages, if you switch to vaping, you will notice that your sense of taste and smell have significantly improved, which means that the things you consume are going to become tastier.


You Are In Control Of The Amount Of Vapor You Exhale

Something that a vast majority of vapers love about it, is the fact that they can control the amount of vapor they exhale, which makes the entire experience even more satisfying. There are vapers who are more into smaller devices, such as pod vapes, because they are a lot more convenient and practical, plus they come with a very low vapor volume.

On the flip side, you have vapers who would rather utilize high-powered mods for cloud chasing. After all, it all comes down to personal preference, but the point is that you have the ability to adjust the power output, coil type, and airflow, which allows you to further tune the vapor volume. 


It’s Cheaper Than Smoking

You may think that vaping is expensive, however, that’s actually far from the truth, especially if you think about the expenses in the long run. In that case, smoking is a lot pricier. To make things clearer, below you’ll be provided with one example.

For instance, those who live in the United Kingdom pay almost 10 pounds for cigarettes, hence those who smoke one packet per day will spend more than 3,600 on cigarettes on a yearly basis. And that’s not the only expense you’ll be having.

Bear in mind that you will probably need to spend money on things like air fresheners, washing detergents, and body sprays in order to somehow neutralize all that smell that is caused by cigarettes. This just goes to show that you’ll have some serious expenses.

On the flip side, the situation with vaping is pretty much different. Although you will have bigger upfront expenses in comparison to smoking, as previously concluded, don’t forget that in the long run, you’ll be able to save a substantial amount of money.

Yes, in the beginning, you’ll need to buy an e-cigarette device, which is around thirty pounds, however, the maintenance costs are in fact very low. Aside from that, you’ll need to replace several items throughout the year, like batteries and coils, which is roughly one hundred pounds per year.

Another thing that you need to take into account as far as this is concerned, is the refiller, which (this refers to those who live in the UK) you can purchase for up to 12 pounds. The prices vary when it comes to this, meaning that you can obtain it even for one pound only.

According to the statistics, the average user uses around 10ml on a weekly basis, which means that the total cost (per year) is radically lower than the amount you’ll be spending on tobacco. 


You’ll Be Part Of A Very Nice Community

Although this has nothing to do with smoking and it doesn’t imply that tobacco smokers aren’t nice, it just serves as a reminder of how friendly and nice vapers are. And that’s something that everyone (who is or was part of the community) will confirm.

Apart from being very friendly, they are also always eager to help and provide you with the necessary information concerning vaping, starting from the way you’re supposed to employ it, to the latest innovation when it comes to e-cigs.

There are so many misconceptions when it comes to vaping and they frequently come from people who’ve never even tried it. Therefore, if you would like to provide yourself with some fact-checked information, then you should definitely make use of this guide.