Excel Sheet to JSON: A Step-by-Step Guide

12th June 2024

Handling data in Excel is a common task, but efficiently sharing and using that data can be challenging. Converting your Excel sheet to JSON format can simplify this process. JSON is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy to read and write for humans and machines. In this guide, you’ll learn how to convert Excel spreadsheet data to JSON effortlessly.

Why Convert Excel Sheet to JSON?

Converting an Excel sheet to JSON offers several advantages:

  • Interoperability: JSON data can be easily used across web applications and APIs.
  • Readability: JSON format is easy to read and understand.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines data sharing between different systems.

Getting Started: What You Need

Before you begin converting your Excel sheet to JSON, make sure you have:

  • An Excel file with the data you need.
  • Basic understanding of Excel and JSON formats.

Step-by-Step Guide to Convert Excel Sheet to JSON

Step 1: Prepare Your Excel Sheet

Ensure your Excel file is well-organized. Each column should have a header, and the data should be clean and structured.

Step 2: Use VBA Code to Convert Data

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a powerful tool in Excel that can help automate tasks. Here’s a simple VBA code snippet to convert Excel data to JSON:

Sub ExcelToJSON()

Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = ActiveSheet

Dim jsonFile As Object

Set jsonFile = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”).CreateTextFile(“C:\path\to\your\output.json”, True)

Dim row As Range

Dim col As Range

Dim jsonString As String

jsonString = “{“”data””:[”

For Each row In ws.UsedRange.Rows

jsonString = jsonString & “{”

For Each col In row.Columns

jsonString = jsonString & “””” & ws.Cells(1, col.Column).Value & “””:””” & col.Value & “””,”

Next col

jsonString = Left(jsonString, Len(jsonString) – 1) & “},”

Next row

jsonString = Left(jsonString, Len(jsonString) – 1) & “]}”

jsonFile.Write jsonString


End Sub

Modify the path in the CreateTextFile method to save the JSON file in your desired location.

Step 3: Run the VBA Code

  1. Open Excel and press Alt + F11 to open the VBA editor.
  2. Insert a new module and paste the above code.
  3. Run the ExcelToJSON macro to convert your Excel data to JSON.

Benefits of Converting Excel Data to JSON

Using JSON for your data offers multiple benefits:

  • Simplified Data Exchange: JSON’s compatibility with most programming languages makes it ideal for data exchange.
  • Reduced Complexity: JSON files are less complex than XML, making them easier to work with.
  • Increased Efficiency: Automating the conversion process saves time and minimizes errors.

Advanced Techniques

  • Validating JSON: Use online tools or libraries in your programming language to ensure the JSON output is valid.
  • Handling Large Data Sets: To avoid performance issues with large Excel files, consider breaking the data into smaller chunks.
  • Customizing the Output: Modify the VBA code to include or exclude specific columns or rows based on your needs.


Converting Excel sheet data to JSON is a practical approach to ensure efficient data management and interoperability between various systems. By leveraging VBA code within Excel, you can automate this process, making it quicker and reducing the risk of errors. The resulting JSON data is easy to read and compatible with numerous applications and APIs, enhancing the flexibility and usability of your data.

Furthermore, understanding the intricacies of this conversion process, such as preparing the Excel sheet and executing the VBA code, can significantly streamline your workflow. Embrace these techniques to transform your Excel data into a universally accepted format, improving data exchange and integration across different platforms and applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I convert Excel to JSON?

You can convert Excel to JSON using VBA code or various online tools.

Can Excel format JSON?

Excel can read and display JSON data but formatting JSON is typically done using specialized tools or scripts.

How to convert table data into JSON format?

To convert table data into JSON format, use a JSON converter tool or write a script in the VBA code editor.

How to read Excel data and convert to JSON in Java?

Use libraries like Apache POI to read Excel data and convert it to JSON using JSON libraries in Java.

How to create API in Excel?

Use Microsoft Power Automate or write VBA code to handle HTTP requests and responses, creating a custom API.

How can I convert spreadsheet data to JSON?

You can convert spreadsheet data to JSON using VBA code in Excel or Open Office, or by using online conversion tools.

What is the process to convert CSV data to JSON?

To convert CSV data to JSON, you can use a CSV file converter tool or write a script to parse the CSV file and output JSON objects.

Can I find tools to convert CSV files to JSON data online?

Yes, several online tools can convert CSV files to JSON data quickly and efficiently.