Etiquette tips for playing Craps

5th April 2023

Craps is a casino dice game that involves a lot of action, so if you’re stepping up to a casino table to play, you might want some etiquette tips to help you out.

Here are a few to help you and others enjoy your next game of Craps at a land-based table, and an online casino. So, what will elevate your next game of Craps?

Be polite

As soon as you begin your Craps game, you should step up with manners. When placing your bet, especially on a crowded table, politely catch the attention of the dealer first.

Immediately throwing your betting chips at the dealer is extremely rude and could potentially get you kicked out of the casino venue.

Whatever casino game you’re playing, simple politeness makes an enjoyable game for all!

Keep the dice visible

As the game is focused on dice, it’s important that when it’s your turn (being the shooter) and have picked two dice from the selection, that you don’t remove the dice from the table, or hide them from the dealer.

The shooter must use one hand when picking and throwing the dice, as previously many players would swap them with “cheat dice”.

Even if you aren’t cheating, this causes everyone involved in a game to immediately believe that you are. But even just fondling the dice can be seen as bad manners.

As long as you wait for the dice to be given to you by the Stickman, who calls out the rolls and hands out the dice, then you’ll have a smooth-running game… with happy participants!

Tip the dealer

Whether you’re unsuccessful or successful within a Craps game (especially the latter), tipping dealers is standard and good form.

This is especially good practice when you’re a beginner to the game and might need more of the dealer’s time and assistance. It’s a nice way to thank the dealer for their additional help!

Do not buy-in during the middle of a roll

If the shooter hasn’t yet rolled, you shouldn’t interrupt the game action at the table just so you can play. Wait for a new shooter or a new point to be made – then become involved.

Being the one to cause disruptions could upset those involved in the game, so create an environment where everyone can have the best time playing!

Patience is key

Once a Craps game has happened and you’ve been successful, you might be eager to get paid, which is understandable. However, at a crowded table, the dealer may have multiple people to pay. There’s usually an order, where they go around the table, so if you haven’t been paid yet, you’ll be able to spot the order.

However, if you have been forgotten, which may happen with hard way bets, then it’s fine to politely remind the dealer. Only do this after all standard bets have been paid out, but be sure to make this clear before the dice is given to the shooter, for the next round!


With these handy etiquette tips, which ones will you remember to incorporate within your next game?