Empty town centre buildings an eyesore say worried residents

15th June 2019

The growing number of empty buildings in Southport is creating an eyesore say worried residents.

One emailed OTS News to say “To start with Southport Market is totally in the wrong place.

Southport Indoor Market
Southport Indoor Market

Early on in the year we lost the best delicatessen I have ever encountered which was situated in the current indoor market, and having lived throughout England I have visited many.

We need to look at the Altrincham scheme and create the same environment they have created. The indoor market needs to be re located into the BHS building. This should then breath life into Chapel Street, the Cambridge Arcade which will hopefully encourage more traders if the footfall increases.

Regarding the other large buildings such as Debenhams and Pizza Express, it is very difficult for any trader to take over these large buildings therefore change of use needs to be explored, flats if possible.

“There is always the issue of parking which does detract people from coming into Southport, so more use of park and ride needs to be encouraged. There is no park and ride on the side of town coming from Formby and Liverpool.If people do want to use a park and ride they have to get through the usual traffic jams in order to be able to use the facility.

“I have complained many times regarding litter and the state of our streets.

Chapel Street southport ots news

“Chapel Street needs a good clean, not just rubbish removing but the pavements cleaned. Also there should be some way of making landlords clean up their empty premises.”