Digital label printing and its importance in the industry

25th March 2024

Digital label printing has become a popular technique in different industries due to its versatility and efficiency. In this article, we will explain what it is, its benefits, and the key differences with flexographic printing. If you are interested in this printing method, read on.


What is digital printing?

Digital printing is a technique in which you print directly from a digital file to some physical material. This is done with the help of an inkjet printer, or a laser printer that uses toner. This method is characterized by not using independent plates or plates for each color, as is the case with analog procedures such as flexographic printing or offset printing.


Differences between digital and flexographic printing

It is important to know the main differences between digital printing and flexographic printing. Each of these techniques has its own specific characteristics and applications, which you should consider when deciding which one you will use.


Digital printing:

– It uses inkjet printers to transfer the image to the label.

– It is flexible in terms of the number of labels to be printed.

– Accurately prints designs and colors, resulting in eye-catching labels.

– Provides better costs with faster delivery times and easier setups.


Flexographic printing:

– It uses separate plates or plates for each color.

– It is ideal for producing large quantities of labels.

– It offers a greater variety of materials and textures, providing more luxurious finishes.

– It is more recommended for long-run labels because the cost of the plates reduces over time.


Importance of digital printing

Since the 90’s when digital printing began, companies came to the conclusion that this method offered them greater versatility. With this technology, it is possible to print labels in variable quantities with better prices, high quality, and short times to configure the machines.

Additionally, digital printing allows for faster and more accurate production, which is especially valuable in the food and beverage industry, where regulations and product information can change frequently.


Benefits of digital label printing:

Digital label printing offers a number of significant benefits to businesses.


Greater flexibility

As we mentioned previously, digital printing allows you to work with variable quantities, with better delivery times, with any design, and with different materials and finishes. That’s why a digital label maker machine provides greater flexibility to customize labels for customers.



Digital label printing is extremely time and cost-efficient. Unlike flexographic printing, no printing plates are required, meaning process setup is faster and cheaper. This allows companies to reduce production times and associated costs. This is especially valuable in environments where label delivery times are tight and margins are tight.


Great quality

Another key benefit of digital label printing is its ability to deliver exceptional print quality. Digital technology allows for the accurate reproduction of designs and colors, resulting in eye-catching, crisp labels. This is important in industries such as beverages, food, personal care, and cosmetics, where an attractive visual presentation can influence consumer purchasing decisions.

After all, digital label printing offers a wide range of applications and benefits that make it a popular choice in various industries. Knowing this information can provide companies with greater insight into whether this technique will meet their labeling needs.