Sefton Council wishes to reassure residents of the true fees it provides for dementia care within the borough.
Reports in the national press at the weekend stated that ‘Sefton, in Liverpool, was at the bottom end of the scale paying £299 a week’.
This is simply not the case; Sefton’s fee for dementia patients in care homes for 2015/16 was £453 per week and this has since been lifted to £473.97 per week in 2016/17.
Sefton Council has approached the Sunday Express, who published the incorrect figures, for a correction.
Like many other local authorities in the country, Sefton faces severe financial challenges in providing care for some of the most vulnerable people in an ageing population, particularly in the face of government funding reductions.
However, our priority has been, and continues to be, to provide high quality services for the most vulnerable residents in the borough.
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