Danger crossing cameras branded ‘useless’ after trees block sightline

29th June 2019

Network Rail have been slammed by safety campaigners after level crossing cameras were found to be completely useless.

Overgrown trees on Grosvenor Road have completely covered and obscured safety cameras leading up to the danger crossing, which has seen a high number of near death collisions and crashes between cars and trains in recent years.

Read more: CCTV cameras overlooking Crescent Road level crossing Southport

The overgrown trees are thought to have been an unfortunate byproduct of the hot weather and the land owners have yet to fork out to a tree surgeon to get the trees cut back.

Campaigners in the area who have long asked for extra safety measures on the crossing say it is a disgrace and network rail should cut the trees back and bill the landowner for the work rather than wait.