Damien Supports National Apprenticeship Week 2018

3rd March 2018

This week, Damien Moore MP met with the National Apprenticeship Service to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week 2018, which runs from 5 to 9 March.

National Apprenticeship Week 2018 is the 11th annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships in England and is designed to celebrate apprenticeships and the positive impact they have on individuals, businesses, local communities and the wider economy.

During the Week employers and apprentices from across England will come together to celebrate the success of apprenticeships whilst encouraging even more people to choose an apprenticeship as the pathway to a great career.

Damien Moore MP said:

“Upon my election in June, I wrote to all schools and colleges in Southport to request a meeting with their respective Head Teachers and Principals. To date, I have visited more than 15 institutions and have plans to visit the remainder by the end of the year.

“During those visits, I spoke about how apprenticeships are so important to those undertaking them – giving them the skills they need to succeed in life and in a role they want to progress in – and to employers, giving them the opportunity to mould and shape the workforce they need.”

“I am delighted to support National Apprenticeship Week by spending time in my constituency with employers who are contributing to our local economy through apprenticeships whilst demonstrating that apprenticeships work for individuals, employers, the community and more widely, the economy.”

“On the 10th May, I will be hosting a Skills & Apprenticeships fair in Southport to support local students and businesses.”