The Learning Rooms was established four years ago by Ruth and Jason Waring. It is an organisation that provides autistic and down’s syndrome citizens with continuing education in life skills and work experience once their full-time education has finished.
Within the Learning Rooms there is a cafe, garden centre, floristry, salon and a sizeable drama and art studio. The adults that attend the Learning Rooms replicate the job specifications in the same industries. For example, within the cafe the adults wait on serving customers and preparing vegetables in the kitchen. Through these experiences, it has enabled the adults to obtain further work experiences and employment within local businesses. More encouragingly, larger organisations like Marks and Spencer’s have recently started providing a number of work experience placements for the adults at The Learning Rooms.
Commenting, Damien Moore MP said:
“It was fantastic to see in person what a great job Ruth and Jason have done with the Learning Rooms. They have put less abled adults at the forefront so people can see that their capabilities are exactly the same as everybody else.
“This in turn has enhanced their prospects and made a difference to individual lives. It was a pleasure to meet everyone at the Learning Rooms today, it shows that with the right support and pathway there are many opportunities for them within the workforce.
“On the 11th March 2019, the Learning Centre will be bringing six adults to celebrate the Commonwealth day with the queen, it will be my pleasure while they are in London to take them on tour of Westminster”
Ruth Waring, owner said:
“We were delighted to welcome Damian Moore MP to the Learning Rooms today.
We were able to show Damien Moore MP around our learning rooms, cafe and garden centre. He spent time with staff and clients, chatting and finding out about the services available.
Despite his very busy schedule, Damien has arranged to meet a group from The Learning Rooms when we visit Westminster on 11th March. We look forward to catching up with him in London, before we head off to see the Queen in Westminster Abbey.
We are very grateful for Damien’s interest and support and the time he has taken out of his busy schedule to spend with us.”
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