Dale W. Wood: Founders are opting for quicker M&A routes

4th June 2024

A remarkable shift has occurred across the industry of startups and business ventures.

 The conventional approach to merger and acquisition (M&A) has been disrupted by a growing preference among founders for quicker, more efficient routes to success. This transformation is not only reshaping how businesses are acquired and merged, but also challenging the status quo in entrepreneurship.

This article explores the reasons for this new transition, utilizing insights from Dale W. Wood, a well-respected venture capitalist and specialist in entrepreneurship and M&A strategies.


The traditional M&A process

Traditionally, mergers and acquisitions have long been a straight, well-traveled path in business. It typically comprises several distinct stages that guide the journey from initial contemplation to final integration, including:


Initial discussions: Parties express their interests and intentions.

Due diligence: Examining the target company’s financials and operations in depth.

Negotiations: Ironing out the deal’s terms.

Closing: Executing legally binding agreements.


This process can often extend over several months, if not years, making it a meticulous and time-consuming endeavor.

While straightforward, it still comes with challenges and complexities that founders must deal with. The due diligence process can be straining and resource-intensive, as it involves scrutinizing a target company’s financial records, legal standing, operational capabilities and much more.

Negotiations can be drawn out as both parties aim to secure the most favorable terms, and founders have historically pursued the traditional M&A route for several compelling reasons, Wood says.

First and foremost, it was perceived as a safer and more structured way to ensure a smooth transition of ownership and operations. The careful examination of the target company’s assets and liabilities during due diligence served as a protective shield, reducing the risk of unforeseen issues post-acquisition.

Additionally, traditional M&A allowed for thorough negotiations, giving founders a platform to secure favorable terms and maximum value for their businesses.

“The traditional M&A process has served as a steady roadmap where founders navigate complexity to unlock certainty, transforming businesses through meticulous diligence and calculated negotiations,” Wood said. “However, as the pace of business continues to grow faster, this model must adapt.”


A shift to faster M&A routes

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift towards quicker and more streamlined M&A routes. These faster strategies are designed to expedite the process, reducing the time from initial discussion to final execution.

One of the critical advantages of quicker M&A routes is the agility they bring to the table. 

“By compressing the timeline, founders can respond to market dynamics and competitive pressures more swiftly,” Wood said. “This agility allows businesses to adapt to changes, seize opportunities and respond to emerging trends in a timelier manner.”

Additionally, faster M&A routes often lead to lower transaction costs, reducing expenses related to due diligence, legal fees and negotiations.

Founders recognize that protracted M&A processes can lead to missed opportunities and increased risks. Moreover, the appeal of quicker routes lies in the potential to preserve the value of a business, reduce market exposure and keep stakeholders motivated and engaged throughout the transaction.

According to Wood, this shift reflects a changing mindset among founders, where they prioritize nimbleness, seize timely opportunities and aim for a more dynamic approach to business evolution through M&A.


Enhancing M&A through technology and innovation

Today, digital tools, data analytics and automation are pivotal in streamlining the traditionally complex phases of due diligence and negotiations, revolutionizing the M&A landscape. Digital tools are transforming due diligence by making it more efficient and comprehensive, Wood said.

Advanced software solutions enable the rapid extraction and analysis of vast datasets, allowing M&A teams to quickly identify potential risks and opportunities. These tools also facilitate secure data sharing between parties, enhancing collaboration and reducing the risk of data breaches while exchanging sensitive information.

On the other hand, data analytics empowers M&A professionals to derive valuable insights from the vast amount of data available.

By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, analysts can uncover hidden patterns, assess the target company’s performance more accurately and make informed decisions swiftly. Data-driven insights are helping founders and acquirers make strategic choices in the best interests of their businesses.

Wood underscored the significance of embracing these technological advancements in the context of quicker M&A.

“Leveraging technology not only accelerates the due diligence process but also enhances the precision of negotiations,” he said. “By automating routine tasks and data analysis, merger and acquisition teams can focus on the strategic aspects of the deal, making it more agile and responsive to changing circumstances.”

According to Wood, technology and innovation are no longer optional in M&A—they are essential tools for founders looking to navigate faster routes to success.


Valuation and pricing strategies

The speed at which transactions occur will depend heavily on the valuation and pricing strategies founders implement. Traditional valuation methods can be time-consuming, involving extensive analysis and negotiations, which may not align with the pace of quicker M&A routes.

Entrepreneurs and investors are turning to more streamlined methods, such as data-driven analytics and algorithmic pricing models, to assess the value of startups and businesses.

“These methods leverage real-time data, market trends and predictive algorithms to provide rapid and more accurate valuations,” Wood said. “These tools are particularly advantageous in today’s dynamic business landscape.”

He suggests that founders and acquirers should focus on flexibility, aiming for valuations that adapt swiftly to changing market conditions. With an agile mindset, they can respond promptly to opportunities and make informed decisions in a fast-moving M&A environment.

In the search for quicker M&A, valuation strategies must evolve to align with the need for speed while ensuring fair and reasonable deals for all parties involved.


Risk management and due diligence

While the urge to expedite the process is compelling, overlooking essential steps like risk assessments and proper due diligence can lead to unforeseen challenges.

“Every founder should recognize that efficiently conducting due diligence is a delicate balancing act that must maintain the quality of assessment while meeting the demands for speed,” Wood said.

Due diligence is the stage where potential risks and opportunities within the target company are discovered. It involves scrutinizing financial records, legal documentation, operational procedures and more. In pursuing quicker M&A, strategies must be devised to efficiently collect and analyze this vast amount of information without compromising the depth and thoroughness required to mitigate risks effectively.

Wood highlights the need for a well-defined due diligence plan tailored to the specific needs of each transaction. This approach involves carefully prioritizing critical assessment areas and using technology and automation to expedite data gathering and analysis.

“Blending traditional and innovative techniques can ensure a high-quality due diligence process, which is essential for successful speedy M&A,” Wood said.


Shaping the future of M&A

The shift towards faster and more streamlined M&A routes has opened up new possibilities for founders and acquirers to transform businesses with agility and efficiency. While traditional M&A processes have proven to be a reliable and structured approach, the new wave of innovative digital tools and data analytics is revolutionizing the landscape and enhancing the decision-making process for founders.

“The future of M&A is poised to be more dynamic, data-driven and nimble,” Wood said, “as entrepreneurs continue to prioritize innovation and agility in their pursuit of success.”