Cycling for beginners: 6 tips to begin your cycling journey and actually enjoy it

8th August 2024

Cycling is one of the best ways to exercise your body and keep daily stress at bay for a while. It’s a popular hobby for many people who are not willing to hit the gym because it is just as efficient. Cycling trains all your muscles and focuses on improving your body’s strength and endurance level. Also, riding the bike is an activity that can boost your mental health significantly because being in the natural environment is a therapeutic experience, and the physical activity itself boosts the production of serotonin, which is known as the hormone of happiness. Additionally, but just as important, cycling is a sustainable alternative for transportation, as you can get anywhere without polluting the air, promising the planet a better future. So, if you are ready to begin your cycling journey, in this article, you can find 6 valuable tips so that you can actually enjoy your new hobby: 

  • Establish clear goals 

Before riding the bike, establish some clear goals to give purpose to your new activity. By doing that, you can motivate yourself to do your best to accomplish your objectives, and your journey will be much more enjoyable and satisfying. So, start with a clear vision, and take a step behind to identify the reason you are willing to do this. If you want to lose weight, boost your strength, build muscle, prevent ageing physical problems, or improve your mental health, it’s important to know exactly what you are working for. When you choose to integrate any sort of sport into your routine, you also commit to a healthy lifestyle, which can boost your mental health for good. So, understandably, emotions play a crucial role in this process, so make sure you stay motivated and work hard to achieve your goals. 

  • Get rid of your old rusty bike 

Now that you have a clear goal in mind, it’s time to hop on your adventure and get a new bike; of course, this means getting rid of your old, rusty one you even forgot about in your garage and updating it with an electric version. An Upway e-bike can support your initiative and offer you a great alternative for cycling assisted by a motor so that you don’t get incredibly sweaty on hot days, but it’s just as beneficial for your body as a regular bike. The experts at Upway provide you with a wide selection of electric bikes to help you find the one that suits your needs. The electric system works perfectly so that you do not feel exhausted after your ride but can still achieve your goals, whether you want to lose weight or strengthen your muscles and bones. Of course, it’s also crucial to maintain your bike and clean it regularly, check all its functions, and have it ready to explore the surroundings whenever you want to take a break from the ordinary. 

  • Wear proper equipment 

Cycling gear is essential to stay safe on the road, so make sure you wear proper equipment before your ride. For instance, some crucial components of the safety gear include a helmet, which is essential to protect your head from accidents. Also, consider protecting your eyes with a pair of sunglasses so nothing disrupts your vision while riding. Also, make sure you wear a shirt made of breathable material that can quickly absorb sweat in long or short sleeves, a classic pair of biking shorts, and, additionally, consider a pair of gloves to protect your hands for long rides. Online, you can find a wide range of clothes for cyclists, including professional equipment, but you can always improvise a great fit with the clothes you already have in your wardrobe. 

  • Include cycling in your routine  

In order to commit to your cycling journey, it’s essential to include this activity in your routine. Even if you don’t have time to go for a daily ride, consider exercising your body by cycling at least three times a week, just as you would do when going to the gym. Choose the perfect time for your cycling session and decide on the weather you prefer most. For instance, if you are willing to feel the breeze in the evening, you can go for a ride at least 2 hours before your bedtime, or if you really want to enjoy the sun and admire the beauty of nature, consider going before or right after work. 

  • Choose your itinerary 

Now that you have it all planned, decide where you want to go. Up the hills or down the road? If you want to enjoy a natural landscape, consider exploring a forest or even going on a mountain trip to try biking on challenging trails. On the other hand, if you want to feel the satisfaction of avoiding the overwhelming traffic, you can also hit the road of your city. It would be best to get used to the trail in advance so you can identify any obstacles, high-risk zones (especially for mountain rides), and restricted areas. To make the most of your hobby, consider joining a group of cyclists that organise tours in your area so that you can also take your activity to the next level by gaining valuable advice from professionals, and you might slowly become a pro rider yourself. 

  • Have fun 

Last but not least, enjoy your journey and have fun. Besides being extremely beneficial for the body, cycling is a fun sport that can make your new lifestyle great. You can encourage your family members to join you on your rides, and include all your friends for a weekend trip to explore incredible views on undiscovered trails, meet new people all over the world that share the same passion as you and fully embrace the art of well-being for your body and mind.