Cyber Crime Sentencing – Titan And NCA

13th November 2015

A 52-year-old man from Merseyside was today (Thursday, 12 November) sentenced to eight and a half months imprisonment at Liverpool Crown Court in relation to offences under Section 3 of the Computer Misuse Act.

Ian Sullivan of Farmer Place, Bootle was found guilty of having committed unlawful intrusion into websites, causing malfunction. The case was a joint operation between Titan and the National Crime Agency.

Detective Chief Inspector John Webster of Titan said: “This was a serious attempt to compromise a number of websites, which could have potentially had catastrophic financial consequences. Titan is committed to tackling all forms of cyber crime and this sentencing demonstrates how seriously we regarde such attacks.

“We recognise there is a growing threat from cyber-attacks in the UK so the aim is to raise awareness of the threat within the business community and ensure that they are protecting themselves properly.

“The damage a cyber-attack could have on a company could be catastrophic to its owners and employees with huge financial losses incurred as well as significant disruption to day to day operations.”

Tony Adams, Head of Investigations at the NCA’s National Cyber Crime Unit, said:

“DDOS attacks can deny members of the public access to important information and services, and do damage to businesses relying on the internet to trade. With our UK and international partners, the NCA continues to identify and pursue offenders, and to help businesses and members of the public protect themselves from online crime threats.”


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