Crowbar-brandishing burglars steal cash boxes from Lord Street Sainsbury’s

26th June 2024

Sainsbury’s on Lord Street was broken into by burglars brandishing crowbars last night, Merseyside Police have confirmed.

A number of males broke into the store in the early hours of the evening and took a number of cash boxes from the premises.

Sainsbury’s on Lord Street remains closed as of this morning.

OTS News is aware that a separate break-in occurred at the new Sainsbury’s store on Meols Cop Retail Park last week. Merseyside Police told OTS News they will keep “an open mind” about any potential links.

A spokesperson for Merseyside Police said: “We are investigating following reports of a burglary at a supermarket in Southport in the early hours of this morning, Wednesday 26 June.

“At around 12.25am five males arrived at the Sainsburys store on Lord Street in a car. One of the males used a crowbar to smash the front window of the store and four males entered the store and removed a number of cash boxes.

“The males then left in the car.

“An investigation is underway and CCTV and forensic enquiries are being carried out in the local area.”

Inspector Ted Barr said: “We are in the early stages of our investigation and are carrying out a number of lines of enquiry.

“We are looking to speak to anyone who was in the area of Lord Street – possibly a taxi or fast food delivery driver or someone walking home from a night out – who saw or heard anything suspicious.

“Please contact us if you think you have any information which could assist with our enquiries.”

Anyone with information is asked to DM @MerPolCC or CrimestoppersUK anonymously quoting reference 24000561180.