Council tax set to rise and new taxes introduced for homeowners

27th February 2025

Sefton Council politicians are meeting tonight to thrash out the details of a eye watering budget for 2025/26 that will see residents pay more in council tax.

People who own second homes will also be hit with a double blow to their finances as a tax on second homes will be brought into effect to help what the council say is a way of avoiding further financial crisis.

One of the biggest factors in the need for higher taxes, the council says, is down to increased pressures and demand in both Children’s and Adults Social Care.

Some council services are also set to be cut or restructured including prices for leisure centre membership, Atkinson ticket pricing and car parking charges set to increase.

Council tax will rise in April by 4.99% yet again. This is the highest increase the council are allowed to impose without a referendum.

Efforts will be made to reduce children’s social care costs by placing children in lower-cost, in-house settings rather than expensive external placements, while the council plans to implement savings by restructuring adult social care services and managing demand more efficiently.

In a further blow to South Sefton residents the council will remove their alley cleaning service, expected to save £1.168 million.

There is also consideration being given to scrapping or restructuring the Councils in house security service Sefton ARC.

OTS News understands it’s unlikely the budget put forward tonight will change despite expected fierce  debate by all parties.