Council Services Over Christmas And New Year

15th December 2015
Southport Town Hall

Similar to previous years, Sefton Council will provide restricted services only throughout Christmas and New Year – as most staff are required to take unpaid leave as part of a series of cost-saving measures.

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As a result of the unpaid leave, to be taken on December 24, 29, 30, and 31, most council buildings will be closed, contributing to significant savings as Sefton strives to find a further £55m to balance its budget.

Services that will continue to operate include critical social care services for adults and children, a limited street cleaning service, commercial waste collection and urgent highways issues, including gritting.

Stickers showing Christmas and New Year collection dates will be placed on wheelie bins at any properties which are affected over Christmas and New Year. Only collections scheduled for Friday, December 25 and Friday, January 1 will be affected. All other collections will take place as normal.

Similar to other years, the green wheelie bin collection for garden waste will be suspended from December and will return in 2016.

ots splash world

Some Sefton Council-run leisure centres will be open at varying times during these dates and users are advised to check for opening times.

Cllr Ian Maher, Leader of Sefton Council, said: “We have to make savings and efficiencies in all services due to significant reductions in Government funding and the shut-down period helps contribute to that.

“We have been running the shutdown for a number of years now, however, it is clear to see that these continuing cuts are having an increasing impact on all our communities right across the borough.

“Throughout the year staff have had their pay reduced in order to take four days unpaid leave. Other savings from the closure period come from the reduced need for heating, lighting and running buildings, equipment and vehicles.”

An automated phone service will be in place between December 24 and January 4, 2016 on 0845 140 0845 and most service requests will only be actioned in the New Year.

For emergency contacts on December 24, 29, 30 and 31 between 9am and 5.30pm:

  • Children’s Social Care 0151 934 4624 / 4202
  • Adult Social Care 01704 704240 (North)
  • Adult Social Care 0151 529 3761 (South)

For Social Care emergencies at all other times call the Emergency Duty Team 0151 920 8234.


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