Council candidate may lose out because of ‘racist’ husband

30th October 2017

Dukes Ward Conservative by-election candidate Ann Permain hopes to join her husband ‘on the council’ – only hubbie’s council is nineteen miles away!

 Suspended ‘racist’ Tory Alan Permain is a councillor on Farington Parish Council, some way beyond Leyland.

http://www. your-parish-council/council- members/ politics/2017/feb/09/alan- pearmain-conservative- official-suspended-over- racist-tweet-aimed-at-diane- abbott

Alan Permain’s current Council webside entry does not mention his interest in Diane Abbot’s lipstick  – but instead says that

“He and his wife, Ann, moved to Farington for the sake of the cats, finding a house in a safe cul-de-sac! Their secondary reason was for Ann to be closer to her family in Lytham and Liverpool. ”

But Ann Permain is registered on her election nomination papers as living at Marine Gate Mansions, on the corner of Leicester Street. Maybe the cats like to commute?