Conservative leader urges Sefton to keep 25% single person tax discount

4th September 2024

Conservative Group Leader on Sefton Council, Mike Prendergast, is calling on Sefton Council to commit to retaining the 25% sole occupancy Council Tax discount and asking Southport’s Labour MP Patrick Hurley to back the calls, after Angela Rayner refused to commit to keeping it.

Mike Prendergast said, “The news that Labour are refusing to commit to keeping the single person discount will be a huge blow for the thousands of people across Southport and Sefton who rely on it. Removing the discount will dramatically increase tax for single person households and there was always the worry with a Labour government that they would look to increase taxes for so many people.

“Many bereaved pensioners, living on their own after the death of a loved one, will be claiming this discount and with it potentially coming so soon after being told their Winter Fuel Payments are being taken away by Labour, this seems almost cruel.

“I have submitted a formal question for the next meeting of Sefton Council to ask the current Labour administration to commit to retaining the discount across Sefton, including here in Southport.

“I would also like to see our town’s new Labour MP support our calls to keep not only the single person discount but also support our campaign to keep Winter Fuel Payments for the thousands of pensioners across Southport who will lose out this winter.”