Concerned Parents of KGV College Students have invited the managers and 12 Governors of the college to a public meeting on Wednesday evening 11th February to discuss what has happened in the College over the past few months and the way forward. The meeting is to be held at the Salvation Army Hall, Shakespeare Street. Southport, between 7.00 pm amd 9.00 pm and will be chaired by a local Southport Councillor.
All parents, staff and students who wish to attend are welcome. Anyone wishing to submit a question is invited to do so in writing to:
The parents are anxious to secure a quality educational future for their own children’s education and those of 16- to 19-year-olds from Southport and the surrounding area in year to come. They hope that the meeting will give the governors and managers an opportunity to report to parents and the public of Southport on events which have taken place at the college which have caused confusion; the provision of experienced and qualified staffing for the current students in a number of subjects; and prospects for the future of the College including recruitment and finance.
KGV College received an ‘unacceptable’ OFSTED rating after an inspection in September last year.
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