Communist Party of Britain Embraces Comrade Corbyn

12th May 2018

Communist Party of Britain Embraces Comrade Corbyn

There are “no major differences on immediate issues” between the Communist Party of Britain and Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour according to CPB leader Robert Griffiths. He told the Financial Times this week that among Corbyn’s top team – which includes former communist Andrew Murray – there is overlap on both Brexit and Britain leaving NATO.
Mr ​Griffiths suggested that ​communists are now working to build the Corbyn movement rather than develop their own cadres.

He added that “a lot” of communists joined Labour to back Mr Corbyn at the time of his first leadership elect​ion.​

The official communists ​believe that Jeremy Corbyn is delivering their manifesto ‘Britain’s Road to Socialism’, which they say is now ​turning out to be a “good guide” to the current direction of the left.

Earlier this year there was a joint meeting between Labour and the CPB and in the 2017 general election the communist party declined to stand candidates against Labour for the first time in decades.​

For many years, Jeremy Corbyn years wrote a regular column in Morning Star, the Socialist daily newspaper with close links to the Communist Party. (Its predecessor, The Daily Worker, was founded by the Communist Party of Great Britain in 1930.) Mr Corbyn was a surprise guest at the Morning Star’s Christmas party last year and is said to be a regular reader.
The British Communist Leader told the FT:
“We never thought New Labour was the real left. What you’ve got now is the revival of the real left . . . of a left that has radical ambitions.”