- Prominent Labour figures join with unions, Greens and campaigners to mobilise for 23rd March anti-Brexit march
- Left bloc to mobilise against the “grotesque inequality and intolerable status quo that contributed to the Leave vote in the first place”
- Opposition to Brexit “must come from those calling for fundamental changes to our economy”
A coalition of left wing parties, unions and campaigns has come together to launch a united ‘left bloc’ on the 23rd March demonstration for a final say. It is organised by Another Europe is Possible, and backed by the Green Party, the TSSA union, Left Unity, Open Labour and Labour for a Socialist Europe, as well as a number of prominent Labour MPs.
The Put It To The People demonstration could be substantially bigger than the 700,000-strong march in October.The Left Bloc is aimed at mobilising massive turnout from the left, while putting forward a clear left wing message at the heart of the protest. This includes calling for Green New Deal, strengthening trade unions, defending free movement, transforming and democratising Europe, and fighting the rise of the far right.
The move follows Labour’s shift to backing a final say referendum as a means of stopping Tory Brexit. Also backing the bloc are a group of prominent left wing Labour MPs operating under the slogan ‘Love Socialism, Hate Brexit’.
The Left Bloc will hold a separate rally at the beginning of the march, starting from 11am in Grosvenor Square.
Clive Lewis, Labour MP for Norwich South, said:
“Brexit is a Tory project. It’s about deregulating the economy, and attacking the rights of workers and migrant workers alike. It is the product of decades of right wing economic policy promoted by the political establishment. So we are marching together as a left bloc because we refuse to accept the idea the anti-Brexit movement is the property of just centrist politicians. Any true opposition to Brexit must come from those calling for fundamental changes to our economy. It has to be about a wider politics of hope, public investment in tackling the climate crisis and solidarity.”
Amelia Womack, Deputy Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, said:
“It has never been more important for the left to come together and stand against the politics of hate which has been allowed to run riot in Britain. Britain is more divided than ever, Parliament is in deadlock, and we are no closer to fixing the grotesque inequality and intolerable status quo that contributed to the Leave vote in the first place. People are crying out for leadership and a positive vision for the future. That’s why we will stand together for Britain as an open, outward looking nation which welcomes migrants and refugees, takes gold standard climate action and fights austerity. We believe only the British people can decide their future and will continue to fight for a People’s Vote on Brexit.”
Michael Chessum, from Another Europe is Possible, said:
“This has the potential to be a really huge demonstration, and the left will be there in numbers. Alongside parties and groups who have been fighting Brexit for years, we are now seeing a whole new layer of activists, trade unionists and Labour figures come out for a final say – and they will march together on March 23rd. This coalition has a vital role to play, both now and in any referendum campaign. Only by tackling the right’s narratives about immigration head on, and by offering a radical alternative to the status quo, can we beat Brexit.”
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