Civic society rebuff bridal shop sign claims

29th October 2019
  1. The Birkdale Civic Society would like to issue a formal statement of clarification in relation to an article published regarding the removal of signage from the bridal shop in Birkdale Village.

We would firstly like to state that the issuing of a removal notice was undertaken by Sefton council due to the owner not submitting planning applications to amend and add signage and therefore meaning she did not have adequate planning permission for the signage in question.

This decision was taken solely by the council and the Civic society has no power to enforce this kind of action.

Additionally, the Birkdale Civic Society received a number of complaints from local residents and traders regarding the signage and it’s non-compliance to a conservation area, particularly in regards to the Victorian veranda frontage.

It is our role to consult with local traders, landlords and the council to ensure people’s concerns are dealt with effectively and escalated when appropriate.

In this instance our protocol of contacting the landlord in the first instance to further advise the tenant was followed, and the tenant was advised of the conservation area regulations. During this time, complaints were formally made by members of the public directly to the council, and their involvement was triggered.

We have worked with the traders and residents in the village for almost 40 years to promote and protect the area, and ensure the remaining historic aesthetic is up kept where possible. We work with many traders to advise how best they can integrate into the area, and offer support with all applications and plans, providing they request our help.

Unfortunately on this occasion this did not happen, resulting in the correct planning procedures not being followed, and the signage being deemed as unsuitable. It is to great sadness that this issue has been reported inaccurately and overshadowed the hard work of our volunteers and members in keeping Birkdale a thriving independent village.

We value every single member of the village trade community, and work tirelessly to bring funding, advertising and events to the area, and will continue to do so to ensure the independent shops thrive in this difficult climate.