A Charity group which aims to inspire people with disabilities to gain self-confidence through art, is appealing for more volunteers to help them on Wednesday afternoons.
Conquest Art helps those with long-term health issues to discover their creative energy and hold sessions from 2.30pm-4.30pm on alternative Wednesdays at the Formby Lunch- eon Club on Rosemary Lane.
Tina McJarrow from the charity said: “Not every volunteer needs artistic ability, but you do need to be a ‘people person’ – enthusiastic, and ready to help create a friendly, welcoming environment where members feel relaxed and able to make the most of their time with us.
“As a volunteer you will be part of a team, which will include organisational skills, artistic experience, finance management and making the refreshments. Our volunteers are the people who make Conquest Art possible – could you join us?
“Please contact us for more information and we can arrange for you to visit the group to see what the role involves and to meet the other volunteers and members.”
For further information, phone Tina on 020 3044 2731, email enquiries@conquestart.org or visit conquestart.org
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