Are you insured if Volunteering for Sefton?

Photo: Margaret Carney/volunteers Sefton Council would like to reassure all the many volunteers that help across the borough and confirm that they are usually covered by the local authority’s insurance policy when busy
6th June 2015

Ainsdale Village fun today and the Church’s Summer

Ainsdale Village Church will host its annual Summer Fair this Saturday, June 6. The gardens, judged as ‘outstanding’ by the Royal Horticultural Society, will provide ongoing entertainment all day, with a selection
6th June 2015

Stranded Cab on Ainsdale Beach

Photo: Stranded Hackney Cab A St Helens hackney cab was this morning stuck in the sand at Ainsdale beach, 5.30am, Saturday 6 June 2015. The cab was reported stranded at around midnight
6th June 2015

Course Advice Evening & Jobs Fair

Southport College is opening the doors to everyone on Monday 8 June between 4.00pm and 7.30pm for a Course Advice Evening and Jobs Fair Adults can collect a copy of their brand-new course
5th June 2015

OTS t-shirt on world tour Mount Vesuvius

Photo: Steve Crane Today the OTSnews  t-shirt was at the top of Mount Vesuvius near to Naples 1,280 metres, the bay of Naples is in background. Mount Vesuvius (Italian: Monte Vesuvio, Latin Mons Vesuvius) is a
4th June 2015


The Southport & West Lancashire branch of Camra will be presenting the annual West Lancashire,Pub of the Year award to The Cricketers,Chapel Road,Ormskirk on Wednesday 10th June at 8-30pm. There will also
4th June 2015

Police enforcing speed checks on the Coastal Road

Today (Thursday, 4th June 2015) police are enforcing speed checks on the Coastal road between Weld Road and Pleasure Land.  The police are are starting more regular speed checks along the Coastal
4th June 2015


King George V College’s Careers Coordinator, Holly Mannion, has completed the Great Manchester Run raising hundreds of ponds for charity. Holly completed the event in 1 hour and 7 minutes and raised
4th June 2015

Vauxhall Corsa loses control on the Moss

Photo: Moss Lane The emergency services were called to an overturned Vauxhall Corsa on Moss Lane, Formby in the early hours of this morning, Thursday 4 June 2015. A witness reported to
4th June 2015

Bootle Boot boys tear up Council Constitution

Photo: Sefton Council’s Ian Maher It looks like the Bootle Labour Party are insisting on going ahead with their Cabinet Meeting this morning (Thursday) despite the fact that only two out of
4th June 2015
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