Local MG Owners Annual General Meeting

This Thursday 21st of January WLMGOC held its annual general meeting at Briars Hall with a good attendance of members and all 10 committee members present. Along with all the minutes,reports,and general
22nd January 2016

Fabulous February Christopher Maerevoet Hair & Beauty

Photo: New stylist Stephanie Tomlinson who starts on Tuesday 26th Jan Submit News Contact us with your community, business or sport news. Phone 07581350321 Email ots@otsnews.co.uk Facebook www.facebook.com/otsnews.co.uk Twitter  www.twitter.com/onthespot_news Breaking local news as it happens, searchable archives
22nd January 2016

GCSE results: How Southport schools performed

New statistics from the Government show Greenbank High School in Southport was the best performing School not only Southport but Sefton for the proportion of pupils earning at least five GCSEs at
21st January 2016

Latest offer from Enviro-Cool

10% off when you mention this Ad 5% for domestic customers Call Today to arrange a FREE Site Survey 01704 212322 , call at our Show Room 32 St Lukes Road, Southport,
21st January 2016

Rotten ‘Flames’ a Southport takeaway fined in court

Photo: Flames, Eastbank Street, Southport Flames takeaway boss was fined over £1,300 after “congealed blood deposits” and the owner failed to comply with food safety standards. Flames, on Eastbank Street, was given
21st January 2016

Right To Rent Scheme Roll Out

The Home Office has announced that from 1 February 2016, the Right to Rent scheme will be extended across England. This means that all private landlords, including people who sublet or take
21st January 2016

Cameras roll ahead of Southport Festival of Speed

Filming has begun ahead of the Southport Festival of Speed when Henry Segrave’s land speed record will be re-created.  In March 1926, Segrave captured the land speed record on Southport’s sands in his four-litre Sunbeam Tiger
21st January 2016
Job centre Southport ots news

The amount of people jobless in Sefton has risen

The amount of jobless people has risen in Sefton with a total of 4,825 people claiming either Job Seekers Allowance or Universal Credit. There are currently 220 more people claiming than this time
21st January 2016

Join the Southport litterazzi

Southport’s Rubbish Friends will be out in force with a mission to clear up Kew Roundabout – one of the major gateways into Southport. The litter pick will take place on Saturday
20th January 2016

Sporting success for KGV Students (Southport)

Seven advanced level students from King George V have secured a place to represent the College in their chosen sport at the Association of Colleges (AoC) Sports National Finals. In total, 14
20th January 2016

Holocaust Memorial Day in Southport

Victims of the Holocaust will be remembered in Sefton during a special memorial ceremony open to the public. This year’s service will be attended by the Mayor of Sefton, Cllr Stephen Kermode and takes
20th January 2016

100 employees to be made redundant as Southport Care Home set to close

Photo: Alexandra House Care Centre, Lord Street Submit News Contact us with your community, business or sport news. Phone 07581350321 Email ots@otsnews.co.uk Facebook www.facebook.com/otsnews.co.uk Twitter  www.twitter.com/onthespot_news Breaking local news as it happens, searchable archives with photographs, the ability
19th January 2016
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