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Community - Page 18

Feeding your garden birds

We often hear people saying that birds don’t need feeding in summer. Ornithological experts however tell us that this claim is wrong. They advise: ‘In winter, supplementary food is often the only
1st July 2020

Council set to create more cycle paths in Southport

Sefton Council wants your views on upgrading and developing cycling and walking provision in the borough following the COVID-19 pandemic. The local authority aims to increase support and facilities for people to
1st July 2020

HM Coastguard Southport assist in dolphin rescue

HM Coastguard Southport assisted with the rescue of a stranded dolphin on Southport Beach on Tuesday afternoon. The Coastguard team, assisted by lifeboat crews, raced towards the rising tide and successfully guided
30th June 2020

Have your say on the future of Southport

Southport’s residents and businesses are once again being asked to give their honest views and opinions on how the resort will look in the future A consultation which would hopefully allow a
30th June 2020
firearms discharge in seaforth

Police forensic teams scour town centre street

Forensic officers are scouting Back Bath Street this afternoon following a serious incident in the early hours of this morning. Scientific support police officers have cordoned off a section of Back Bath
27th June 2020

Southport Care home resident certificates 105th birthday

Wilf’s 105th Birthday On Monday 22nd June, staff and residents at Parklands Lodge came together to celebrate resident Wilf’s 105th birthday – socially distanced, of course. The Lodge was transformed with decorations,
23rd June 2020

Minute’s Silence for Coronavirus Victims

Sefton Council will lead in a minute’s silence to remember those who have passed away from COVID-19 in the borough. Sadly 272 people in the borough have lost their lives through COVID-19
23rd June 2020

Who can apply for the Local Community Fund

To apply to be a local cause you must be part of a not for profit organisation and run a project that will benefit your local community. Organisations that can apply UK
18th June 2020