Car park plan revealed for Formby pinewoods

18th November 2022

Bosses at the National Trust say they want to build a new car park in the middle of Formby pinewoods.

The new car park, which has been proposed to help cope with huge traffic jams, would be build off Victoria Road.

National Trust say they would plant extra trees to mitigate the greenspace that will be taken away.

National Trust Formby have submitted a planning application to Sefton Council, which details the proposal to restore natural sand dune habitats at Victoria Road by removing the existing beach car park and associated construction rubble.

Under the plan, most of the unsightly rubble would be re-used to create a replacement car park further inland.

Feedback from visitors, National Trust members, local residents and conservation specialists has helped shape the plan.

This conservation project will restore natural processes and reconnect rare wildlife habitats. Acting now will help create healthier habitats for rare wildlife and a more beautiful space for people to enjoy for years to come.

If planning permission is granted it is anticipated that work would potentially start on site late 2023.