Canada To Bring In 1.5 Million Immigrants By 2025: Is It A Better Place To Live For UK Immigrants?

12th April 2023

With a number of Canadian citizens reaching the age of retirement over the next few years, the government is attempting to fill the gap that will be left in its economy. This includes a big plan to introduce 500,000 immigrants per annum, which would be more than 25% of previous years. This would be an especially impressive feat if it is pulled off, considering the country took in 405,000 residents in 2021, which was the most in its history.

In terms of Canada’s labour force growth, immigration already accounts for nearly all of it, and according to a government news release, it is also expected to account for all of the country’s population growth by 2032. This is due to Canada’s aging population having a lower birth rate, which means that – if the country is going to develop and remain a leader in the business and economic landscape – it will have to bring in immigrants to carry on the good work and become permanent Canadian residents.

But, of course, immigrating to a country has to be done for a number of reasons, not only work-related. If you are living in the UK, for instance, does Canada offer anything better than the life you have now? In other words, would a move to Canada be worth it? To answer that question, here’s a look at what Canada offers for immigration and whether you should become one of those 1.5 million new immigrants that will be arriving in the next three years:

The Job Prospects

Firstly, Canada is one of the best countries in the world for those looking for work. We have already explained why, of course, but the variety of industries looking for work is plentiful, and many of them actually outperform the UK. The healthcare industry, specifically, is in need of skilled workers who are passionate about caring for others. People often ask, does Canada have free healthcare? The answer is yes, it does, but the important part is that the care itself is second to none, and there is always room for newcomers to lend their skills.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit

Canada is also incredibly nurturing when it comes to entrepreneurs. As of 2023, there are 3.5 million entrepreneurs running businesses in the country, 97% of which are in charge of small businesses, with 1.9% heading medium-sized businesses and 0.2% owning large businesses. This makes it a great place for those who pride themselves on innovation and want to be in a country that champions individual spirit.

The Crime Rate

For those who are looking to immigrate to Canada with a family, Canada is one of the safest countries in the world, with a crime rate that is a whole 23% lower than the UK. This is obviously an important factor when it comes to raising and protecting a family, as the UK has 30% more homicides, 22% more assaults and 33% more robberies.

The Scenery

We can’t talk about why Canada is so good without mentioning the scenery. This is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, with a number of incredible national parks, all protected to preserve their natural beauty. While there are a number of different types of Canadian homes to find across the country, there are also a number of different types of scenery to find them in. That means you could have a home at the foot of a high-reaching mountain, an icy blue lake or even, perhaps, near the awe-inspiring Niagara Falls!

The Multicultural Nature

Lastly, Canada is incredibly multicultural. While London is obviously a very diverse city, Canada is diverse as a country, providing a comforting blanket for all immigrants who are stepping outside of their comfort zone. If you do decide to leave the UK and move to Canada, you will find yourself being treated like any other Canadian, no matter how long you have lived there!